"The Flying Brain" A Flying Droid Sent In Space


Have you seen Star Wars? If you have, you are pretty familiar with the R2-D2 robot. What was the name of the processor in R2-D2? It was called CIMON, apparently a new flying robot that has an AI named CIMON (A Flying Droid) was sent into space to help astronauts.

Who made the robot?

CIMON, which is the name of the AI, stands for "Crew Interactive Mobile Companion", "and it's the first robot of its kind." Designed by a collaboration of Airbus and D & # 39; 39 IBM, he weighs 11 pounds and is about the size of a basketball, yet he incorporates the strength of IBM's IBM supercomputer neural network into his "brain," reports Techcrunch.

How will he help and how does it work?

Speaking of how he will help astronauts, currently he has been trained to recognize the voice and face of astronaut Gerst, who is also a geophysicist with the European Space Agency Who the robot is sent for The guest can call CIMON, to which CIMON will respond accordingly He has an integrated camera which is set at eye level. With the aid of the camera, CIMON will be able to detect the wanted person.The programming of the bot can even interpret the emotional states and respond appropriately. His emotional intelligence is supposed to help monitor the psychological states of the crew.

Bret Greenstein, global vice president of Watson Internet of Things at IBM, explained that CIMON would be able to listen to astronauts and respond accordingly.

"This is designed to work in English," Greenstein said. "He understands Alexander.He will come to him when he speaks."

In an IBM blog, Matthias Biniok, the main Watson architect in Germany, elaborated on what feature brings CIMON on the table and how is it going to help. 19659002] "Experiments sometimes consist of more than 100 different stages," he said. "CIMON knows them all."

From a technological point of view, CIMON (a flying droid) has an infrared camera on the front, a microphone at the back, two batteries and an "off-line" button.

"The Flying Brain" A Flying Droid Sent In Space

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