The former staff of Bizarre Creations serving several projects •


Staff from two major British studios joined forces for a new set of projects.

Wushu Studios, consisting largely of former Evolution staff (think MotorStorm and Driveclub) join forces with those of Lucid Games, which is largely filled with former talents from Bizarre Creations (think Project Gotham Racing).

Formed earlier this year, Wushu has remained silent about his current plans. . Lucid Games, however, you'll know as a developer on the excellent Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions.

In the short term, both studios will be working on Switchblade, Lucid's quick-access combat system, MOBA, available for just £ 2. on Steam and PlayStation 4.

But in the long run, fans of the previous production studios will hope to see more familiar games emerge. "Multiple projects" are currently in preparation between the two – although there is nothing more to say about one or the other. Something to watch for, maybe.

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