The German Minister of the Interior offers his resignation on the line of migration


German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said that he wanted to resign from his post and his position as head of the conservative conservative party CSU Bavarian, questioning the future of the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition. as the party's president and interior minister "because he does not receive any support," CSU sources told AFP yesterday.

But the head of the CSU parliamentary group, Alexander Dobrindt, "does not want to accept the resignation of Seehofer," said yesterday in Munich the participants in this rally of several hours

If Seehofer resigns, he does not agree. It is unclear whether the CSU will remain in coalition with Merkel's CDU and offer a substitute minister of the interior.

Alternatively, it could break the decades-long alliance between the two parties, thus depriving Angela Merkel of her majority in parliament and placing Germany in unexplored political waters. and his party met yesterday to seek an answer to a hard-fought agreement aimed at reducing migration to the European Union and the so-called "secondary migration" between Member States, developed by Merkel during 39, a summit leaders last week

. has been pressuring Merkel for weeks to either accept his plan to deny border asylum seekers already registered in other countries or to carry out EU agreements that would have the same effect, Seehofer complained last night at an in camera meeting with party leaders that he had endured a "no-effect conversation" with the Chancellor on Saturday over whether the EU's biggest deal with the party was over. EU-wide agreement and a series of bilateral agreements In 1965, the Secretary-General of the CDU, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, declared in Berlin that the Chancellor's camp was united "behind" effective and humane solutions with our European partners "after its own leadership meeting.

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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