Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj and Raksha Mantri (Defense Minister) Nirmala Sitharaman will welcome US Secretary of State Michael R Pompeo and US Secretary of Defense James Mattis to New Delhi on September 6, 2018, to the inaugural dialogue 2 + 2, "said a ministry spokesman.
"The 2 + 2 meeting will cover a wide range of bilateral, regional and global issues of common interest, with a view to strengthening the strategic and security ties between the two countries."
A similar announcement came from Washington. "The United States is pleased to announce that the inaugural" 2 + 2 Dialogue "between the United States and India will be held in New Delhi, India, on September 6," said Heather Nauert. , spokesman for the state department.
The United States and Pompeii Mattis "look forward to meeting with their Indian counterparts to discuss strengthening strategic cooperation, security and defense", while the United States and India together tackle challenges in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.
Since last June, both countries have tried to program the dialogue several times. Since the last quarter of 2017, it was postponed to 18-19 April 2018 (in Washington), but it had to be postponed because Pompeo was not yet confirmed as secretary of state. It was postponed until July 6, but was postponed because Pompeo had to travel to North Korea.
Bilateral ties have been severely tested this year for a number of reasons – from Iranian oil imports and Russian defense supplies to visa problems and trade protectionism.
Meanwhile, a senior State Department official told Washington that cooperation between the quadrilateral countries (USA, Japan, India and Australia) would take place next week in Palo Alto.
"I think it will come out publicly during the discussions, we have been encouraged by the two quadruple meetings that have taken place at the Deputy Secretary level so far, and we look forward to continuing to hold these meetings", said the manager.
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