The Indian teacher Swaroop Rawal among the 10 finalists of the Global Teacher Prize 2019


  2019 World Teachers 'Prize, Swaroop Rawal, Indian Swaroop Rawal Professor, Public School Teacher, Indian Professor, Best Teacher, Professor's Award, Varkley Foundation
In Picture, Indian actor and teacher of life skills, Swaroop Rawal (Source of the photo: rawal) [19659004hnd'acteurindienetenseignantdescompétencesdelavieSwaroopRawalaéténomméejeudiparmiles10finalistesduPrixmondialdel'enseignantparlaVarkeyFoundationdotéd'unmilliondedollarspoursonutilisationdeméthodesd'enseignementuniquespourtoucherlesenfantsdedifférentssegmentsdelasociétéenInde

Rawal, who teaches at the Primary school Lavad Gujarat was selected from about 10,000 appointments e t nominations for the annual prize, spread across 179 countries. This nomination will be announced at the Global Forum on Education and Skills (GESF) in Dubai. xt month

"This shows that very special people are seeing and celebrating the work done by teachers," Rawal said in response to the announcement.

"Given the magnitude of the challenge of education in the world, I believe that all efforts in the field of education should be celebrated and I therefore congratulate my colleagues teachers. those who have been on the list and those who have not yet done so, "she said.

Rawal, former Miss India and wife of the actor Paresh Rawal, says her To be engaged in teaching to achieve two goals: to help make children more resilient through life skills education and the introduction of new teaching methods

"I want my children to develop life skills that not only make them resilient, but also empower them emotionally I want essential skills training in all schools, for all children and all age groups, "she said.

According to the Global Teacher Prize, her teaching has affected street children, rural communities, and economically and socially disadvantaged children. as well as elite schoolchildren

For the Achieve, Rawal uses drama in education – an active and learner-centered method, which includes group discussion, reflection, games, song and drawing.

Her approach had an impact on the lives of those she taught, preventing child marriage in Bhadbhediya and child labor in the diamond polishing industry in Sodvadra by facilitating the return to the children's school.

She also contributed to the understanding of teaching in India, becoming a teacher trainer and training more than 10,000 teachers.

"I hope her story will inspire those looking to enter the teaching profession and that she will spot a powerful spotlight on the unbelievable rk teachers are exercising their activities all over India and around the world every day, "said Sunny Varkey, founder of the British-based Varkey Foundation, an entrepreneur of Indian descent.

" The Thousands of Applications and Applications We Received from the Four corners of the planet bears witness to the achievements of teachers and the tremendous impact they have on our lives, "he said.

Rawal will compete with teachers from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, Georgia, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Japan, and Kenya. . , shortlisted by the Global Teacher Prize Committee among the 50 best in the world.

The unveiling of the last 10 was accompanied by a special message from Hollywood star Hugh Jackman, who described teachers as "superheroes."

a kid there were a lot of superheroes that I wanted to be. But I can tell you now, from where I come from, with all my experience, the real superheroes are teachers – they are the ones who are changing the world, "said the Australian actor-singer-producer known for his roles in the 'X-movie -Men' movie.

The winner of this year's award will be selected among the 10 finalists by the Global Teacher Prize Academy and will be officially announced at a prize-giving ceremony at the end of the Global Education & Skills Forum in Dubai in March 24

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