Contractor Neasamani is a character portrayed by comedian Vadivelu in the Tamil Friends movie in 2001. The film stars Vijay, Suriya, Devayani and other characters in the cast of stars.
#PrayForNesamani is spreading on social media and people are wondering what it's all about. Who is Neasamani? That is the question and before you get into a brainstorming, let's reveal it to the uninitiated, it's a very popular Tamil character. Entrepreneur Neasamani was a character portrayed by comedian Vadivelu in the Tamil Friends movie in 2001. The film featured Vijay, Suriya, Devayani and other characters in the cast of stars. The trend has all started after a Pakistan-based briefing page, titled Civil Engineering Learners, was queried on Twitter: "What is the name of the tool in your country?" Next to a photo of a hammer.
One of the fans of comedian Vadivelu did not delay reacting and created a meme by connecting a tweet with a scene from the movie Friends. Many have badumed real and, soon, #PrayForNesamani has turned out to be the number one trend on Twitter. Many then asked if he was okay? #PrayForNesamani continues to rank at the top since yesterday with memes and fun answers all over Twitter and Facebook. The Indian cricket player Harbhajan also went on Twitter to pay tribute to the unforgettable Neasamani.
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– The Turbanator of Harbhajan (@harbhajan_singh) May 30, 2019
Chennai Super Kings, the official goalkeeper of the Super Kings, joined the frenzy and writes words, "A man who could have saved the entrepreneur Nesamani with his epic reaction time is now in England! #Thala #Yellove #Pray_for_Neasamani."
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