The Isro Astrosat captures the image of a cluster of galaxies located at 800 nm light-years away


Chennai, July 3: Astrosat's first dedicated space-wavelength space observatory took the picture of a cluster of space galaxies located at over 800 million light-years away from Earth, reports the Times of India. The Isro Astrosat captures the image of a cluster of galaxies located 800 nm light-years away "title =" The Isro Astrosat Capture the image of a cluster of galaxies located 800mn of years "data-cl-slideshow =" of the cluster of galaxies located at 800 nm light-years "data-cl-description = "" data-cl-imageid = "2727505-0" src = "/ img / loading.gif" onload = "pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this); "onerror =" this.onerror = null; pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this); The distant galaxy group, Abell 2256, is made up of three separate groups of galaxies that merge to form a single mbadive structure, the report said. published the details and an ultraviolet view of the object, saying that it is the most distant APOM (Astrosat Picture of the Month) up to here, the report added.

"Isro says the fusion of this extremely well-studied galaxy cluster has produced a rich diversity of structures that have been imaged in the radio wave lengths by every radio telescope in the world," the Times of India report said. 19659004] It was said that astronomers were using the Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT), the five Astrosat instruments to capture images of these galaxies.Astrosat was launched in September 2015.

" The precise details with which the whole cluster of galaxies could have been projected on its edges by UVIT have occupied the astronomers in recent months and are studying the nature of individual galaxies in Abell 2256 They also hope to understand how these galaxies will turn into lenticular and elliptical galaxies in the future ", said the Times of India in an article published on the website of Isro

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