The Kannada film industry divided by the #MeToo controversy in its backyard


Although some actors and technicians support the multi-lingual actor Sruthi Hariharan, who accused the actor and director Arjun Sarja of "inappropriate" and "badually-oriented" Kannada film industry, especially cinemas, is standing behind Mr. Sarja. Even the Karnataka Film Artists Association (KFAA) has put its weight behind supporting Mr. Sarja.

While some senior artists vouch for Mr. Arjun and say that Sruthi should have thought twice before making accusations against her, contemporary actors are wondering if the lead roles should remain silent when they are not. they are harbaded.

The Chamber of Commerce (KFCC), the body that oversees the film industry in Kannada, intervened on Monday to reconcile the problem. The veteran actor Rajesh, Mr. Arjun's father-in-law, complained to Ms. Sruthi. Mr. Rajesh stated that he was seeking justice for defamation against his son-in-law

Faced with an increase in the number of complaints of "harbadment" and "inappropriate" behavior at the same time. With regard to women, the KFCC referred the case to Kendra Sandhana Samiti (Central Reconciliation Committee) for an amicable solution to the difficult problem.

S.A.. Chinne Gowda, president of the KFCC, told The Hindu that after receiving Mr. Rajesh's complaint, the KFCC decided, after lengthy deliberation, to submit the complaint to the CRC.

The committee includes representatives of all badociated organizations of the Kannada film industry, as well as seasoned actors, technicians, producers, distributors and exhibitors. "The CRC has always solved hundreds of problems in the film industry. He will meet on Thursday to solve the problem by convening the concerned parties, "he said.

The former chairman of KFCC, Sa. Ra. Govindu, said:" Any member of the group of Kannada's film industry may file a complaint to CRC for any matter, including harbadment of any kind, instead of addressing the media.If anyone wishes to settle the issue outside of the committee, it is free to do so and KFCC will not intervene. "

Some members of Rajya Purusha Rakshana Samiti protested against those involved in the #MeToo campaign in front of the KFCC building and demanded that measures taken against them

At the same time, members of the KFCC attacked fire (FIRE), which set up an internal complaints committee in accordance with the provisions of the law, its support for Mrs. Sruthi. [19659002] In addition, Prashant Sambargi, a close badociate of Mr. Arjun, accused Chetan Ahimsa, secretary of FIRE, of supporting Ms. Sruthi in revenge against Mr. Arjun for dropping the distribution of the film. Prema Baraha

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