The last: Trump says that he's misrepresented about Russia's interference


WASHINGTON (AP) – The Last President Donald Trump and His Summit with Russian President Donald Trump (All Local Times):

2:40 pm

President Donald Trump says he wanted say the opposite when he said in Helsinki that he did not see why Russia would have interfered in the US elections of 2016.

Back at the White House on Tuesday, the president told reporters that he said that he meant that he did not see why Russia "would not do it"

He also said that he accepted the conclusion of the American intelligence community that Russia had interfered in the elections, but he denied that his campaign had been complicit in the effort.

Trump spoke a day after his return to the United States. condemnation of his performance alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Putin said that he wanted Trump to win the race against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

In Helsinki, Trump did not condemn the interference of Russia and refused to say that he believed the US intelligence agencies about Russia's refusal to interfere [19659008]. The Republican Senate leader, Mitch McConnell, calls NATO "the most important military alliance in history." In remarks to reporters Tuesday, McConnell said that "the European countries are our friends and the Russians are not."

McConnell says that there is "indisputable evidence" that Russia has attempted to affect the 2016 presidential election. He says the Senate understands the "Russian threat" and that Is "the opinion prevalent here in the United States Senate between the two parties".

McConnell said a few words just before President Donald Trump spoke of the Helsinki summit on Monday. They seemed to want to send a clear message to Trump and the Europeans.

At the summit, Trump seemed to favor Russian President Vladimir Putin's refusal of Russian interference on the badessment of US intelligence agencies that Russia was attempting to interfere. [19659002] Trump also at various times in his trip to Europe denigrated the alliance of NATO, which was formed to counter the former Soviet Union.


1:50 pm

Republicans in the House used a line vote A democratic measure to condemn the astounding comments of President Donald Trump in Helsinki, Finland, about Russia. On Monday, Trump was standing next to Russian President Vladimir Putin and challenged the findings of US intelligence agencies that Moscow had interfered in the 2016 US elections. He seemed to accept Putin's insistence that his government did not do anything.

By 230-183, the House rejected a democratic measure approving the remarks of President Paul Ryan criticizing Russia. The Republican of Wisconsin said: "There is no doubt" Russia interfered in the elections and declared that there was "no moral equivalence" between the two countries.

The two-page Democrat proposal summarized Ryan's arguments.


The Republican Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee asks the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to inform the Capitol of the meeting between President Donald Trump and the President Russian Vladimir Putin

Sen. Bob Corker told reporters that Pompeo should "hope" to come to the panel next week.

The Republican of Tennessee sees it as a "first step" while lawmakers plan to respond to the Trump-Putin summit

South Carolina said the senators wanted Pompeo to come "tell us, is there he had an agreement at this two-hour meeting? "

Legislators have doubted the intelligence community's findings that Russia has interfered in the 2016 elections "

Corker said:" We want to think about what we are doing to benefit our country. "


12:31 PM

President Donald Trump will make a statement on Tuesday after meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in the face of growing criticism from his allies and opponents over his failure to publicly condemn the government. Russian meddling in the elections

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders says Trump will speak Monday's summit with Putin in Helsinki before 2 pm scheduled meeting with Republican members of Congress in the White House

The House White says Ways and Means president Kevin Brady of Texas and five other lawmakers need to be in. Meeting was settled for tax policy


12:00 pm

Republican No. 2 says that there could be additional sanctions on Russia in the upheaval after the summit of President Donald Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Se John Cornyn of Texas told reporters that the sanctions could attract bipartisan support because the Democrats also supported the idea. "We could find a common ground for turning the screws on Russia," said Cornyn

Cornyn suggested sanctions legislation as an alternative to draft resolutions supporting the intelligence community's findings that Russia would interfere in the 2016 elections.

As some in the House suggest, "it's just a messaging exercise," says Cornyn.

No vote is yet expected as lawmakers are considering different ways to respond to it after Trump, at the summit, suggested that he believed the Russian president's refusals. Chuck Schumer, Democratic Leader of the Senate, requests immediate hearings with State Secretary Mike Pompeo and other senior officials to learn more about President Donald Trump's private meeting on Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin (OOP -tihn).

Schumer says that the American people deserve to know what Trump promised Putin during the two-hour session in Helsinki that included only the two leaders and their interpreters. Later, additional meetings included senior aides to both men.

Schumer said that Trump showed "abject weakness and sycophancy" by not condemning Russian interference in the 2016 election. He said that Trump's public remarks made it even more important to learn what was happening behind closed doors, calling it a national security issue.

Schumer also urged the Senate to pbad bipartisan bills to strengthen the security of the US elections. House Speaker Paul Ryan says he is ready to consider additional sanctions against Russia, but there is no reason to act.

Ryan reminded President Donald Trump on Monday that Russia is not our ally. "After Trump cast doubt on the results of the electoral interference of Putin's agents, Washington on Tuesday pointed out that Russia had interfered in the 2016 elections and was a" threatening government "that does not share the He said that special adviser Robert Mueller should be allowed to complete his investigation.

But the Republican leader has not hinted that the House would respond soon.

"Let's be clear that everything the world knows it: Russia acted with our elections, "said Ryan. "What we intend to do is make sure that they will not do more and also help our allies."



House Democrats say they will try to force a vote Trinidad and Tobago on Monday challenged intelligence agencies' findings at a news conference. press conference in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Ryan then stated that there was "no question" that Russia intervenes and "the president must understand that Russia is not our ally."

In a letter to his colleagues, Nancy Pelosi, leader of the minority, said that trying to force the vote on the issue on Tuesday. Pelosi said that "Trump's total weakness in the presence of Putin proves that the Russians have something on the president, personally, financially or politically."



The Russian Ministry of Defense says it is ready for Cooperation with the US Army in Syria has been strengthened following talks between the President American Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin

The ministry announced Tuesday that it was ready for the "practical implementation" of the agreements reached by Trump and Putin. He said Russian military leaders are ready to step up contacts with US counterparts on "cooperation in Syria" and extend the START treaty on arms control, but have not given details


The United States and Russia supported the opposite sides of the war in Syria, but US and Russian officials are working on a possible agreement on the balance of the 1965 p 1965

10:30 [19659002] President Donald Trump is not convinced by the bipartisan criticism of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In a tweet on Tuesday, the president calls Monday. "Trump" faces bipartisan criticism for his refusal to publicly challenge Putin on piracy in Russia's elections and for doubting the US intelligence agency's conclusions on Russian interference in 2016. campaign. Trump supporters, including House Speaker Paul Cork and former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, criticized his performance

but that he "had a meeting again. best with Vladimir Putin from Russia, unfortunately, this is not reported that way – the Fake News goes crazy! "

Even the Fox News hosts, Trump's favorites, criticized his


Some lawmakers are talking about pbading a resolution in support of US intelligence agencies after that President Donald Trump seemed to cast doubt on their findings that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

Rep. Will Hurd, R-Texas, tells CNN the conversation that took place after the Trump press conference in Helsinki. "Will that change anything?" He asked. "Probably not." Congress resolutions do not have the force of law

Other Republican lawmakers have joined the criticism.

Sen. Ben Sbade-R-Neb., Told CBS "This Morning" that "the president does not lead. We negotiated from a position of weakness yesterday Vladimir Putin walked away with a victory."

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., Told CNN that Trump's performance was "very embarrbading."

But at least one Republican, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, rejected the president's criticism as those who hate the president.

tweeted his thanks.



Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci says that President Donald Trump should not waste time in disavowing his comments from the press conference of the United States. Helsinki. Vladimir Putin's refusal of Russian electoral interference

Trump made a "strategic mistake" Monday that will lead his supporters into an alliance with opposition Democrats, Scaramucci warned about CNN. "He must reverse the course."

"I will issue a statement," added Scaramucci. He said Trump must quickly say that he's misquoted and that "the evidence is obviously irrefutable."

Scaramucci added, "The optics of the situation is a disaster."


12:14 am

Rapid and Radical Condemnation of Republicans and Democrats Meets Russian President Vladimir Putin's Defense by President Donald Trump and Persistent Doubt on the Interference of Elections in Russia

Lawmakers and former intelligence officers were shocked, appalled and worried. Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona, who described Trump's remarks in Helsinki, as "one of the most shameful performances of an American president in memory". "

Other Republicans have also been scathing." Senator Nebraska's Senator Ben Sbade has described it as "weird," Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona has described it as " shameful "and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina tweeted that it was" a bad day for the United States. "

19659002] The news center of the Trump-Putin meeting is active on the site AP News and the mobile app.It presents the overall coverage of the event by AP.It can be found at

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