The moon of Saturn, Dione covered with mysterious long bright stripes | The moon of Saturn Dione | Rings of Saturn | NASA


Mysterious straight and shiny bands were discovered on the moon of Saturn, Dione, scientists announced

. The origins of these linear virgins are probably due to the draping of surface materials, such as the rings of Saturn, comets after the study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, [traduction] "the evidence preserved in Linear virga have implications for the evolution of orbit and impact processes in the Saturnian system, "said Alex Patthoff of Planetary Science Institute, United States.

"The interaction of surface and exogenous materials of Dione has consequences on its habitability and is a proof of the supply of ingredients that can contribute to the habit of the oceanic worlds in general", said Patthoff. Patthoff and Emily S. Martin of the National Air and Space Museum, have studied NASA's Cbadini spacecraft, which have characteristics of Saturn's moon Rhea.

The linear virgins of Dione are generally long (10 to 100 km), narrow (less than 5 km) and clearer than the surrounding terrain, according to the researchers.

The stripes are parallel. to cover other features and which are not affected by the topography, suggesting that they appear among the most recent surfaces of Dioné.

"Their orientation, parallel to the equator, and their linearity are unlike anything we have seen in the solar system," Patthoff said.

"If they are caused by an exogenous source, this could be another way of bringing new material to Dione.This material could have implications for the biological potential of the Dione submarine ocean" said Patthoff.

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