The most advanced species on Earth, humans are the main culprits of climate change; Can we rectify ourselves?


After all speculation, research and denial of the reason behind climate change, a group of researchers claimed to have evidence that shows the most intelligent and advanced creation of this world, humans cause change in seasonal temperature cycles

The recent study, published on Thursday, July 19 in the journal Science, suggests that the temperature is increasing continuously and that summers are warming rapidly compared to other seasons, especially in the northern hemisphere.

The researchers also said that dramatic climate change is not natural. The reason for these warmer summers is the rise in greenhouse gases, as humans continually burn natural fuels such as coal, oil and gas and these flammable materials produce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. carbon and release methane. atmosphere.

Because of the greenhouse gas effects created by humans as summers warm up, winters have also become stronger and intolerable in many places. As scientists have said, this is the first time that 'satellite data and the anthropogenic footprint predicted by climate models show the magnitude of the effects and discuss how these changes were caused. "

40 years of satellite temperature data from 1979 to 2016 to reveal the tragic facts.

The lead author of the study, Benjamin Santer, also known as a climatologist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, said that is the most powerful evidence that claimed that humans are responsible for this climate change. Later, Santer told Nature magazine: "In the biological world, many people have looked for and found these changes, so we decided to take a look at the satellite data, what we see is a profound proof of the human impact on the climate. not only in annual temperatures, but also in the seasonal cycle. "

An atmospheric scientist at Texas A & M University, Andrew Dessler also said that even though the results of this research show that humans are altering the climate, stronger evidence, "I do not think it solves a major problem in the atmospheric sciences, and that does not change my view of the climate system."

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