The Netflix series based on the 2012 gangrape case is brutal and relentless, but can not be missed – Entertainment News, Firstpost


One of the great conflicts when we look at the new Netflix series Delhi Crime is to choose to recommend the show to other people or not. For how can one? How can one, in good faith, recommend a program that is difficult to watch, even potentially triggering, in itself;

But then, perhaps the crimes of Delhi should they be monitored precisely because of what

On December 17, 2012, India became aware of a news that would change completely how we collectively view crimes against women. The Delhi gangsters have plunged the country into chaos for weeks. The politicians engaged in an offensive or defensive attack, depending on which side of the alley they were on; the media threw every semblance of sensibility and prudence into the wind, barking all the opinions and pretended facts that pbaded before their eyes and ears; and the public has descended to the streets to demand the quickest and most stringent justice.

  Delhi Crime: The Netflix series based on the 2012 gangrape affair is brutal and relentless, but can not be missed

Shefali Shah and Rajesh Tailang in Delhi Crime.

What we forget is that in the early morning, long before India woke up, the mission of finding and capturing the accused was well advanced. Surrounded by ruthless misinformation, those who were forgotten in the noise were the police and the way they tracked down the six perpetrators of the crime, so that they could be brought to justice to face the consequences of their acts. odious; all in the days following the commission of the crime. That's the point of view we see in The Delhi Crime.

This is a show that reminds us of something we may all be aware of in theory, but that does not seem to reflect in our attitudes – the fact that our police and our policewomen are only human beings, with families, personal worries, debts, existential crises, works; not to mention the fact that our metropolitan forces, in particular, are much more numerous and overworked in their quest to do a job that is ultimately just a job, although a job like no other.

The show begins the morning of December 16, before the horrible crime. , briefly introducing the cops who will eventually be pushed, over the next seven episodes, into an incessant human hunt that has led the Delhi police outside Delhi – from rural Rajasthan to the regions of Bihar and Jharkhand infested by Naxal.

Read also on Firstpost: Delhi crime director Richie Mehta describes his project to create a project that gives viewers a sense of catharsis.

The most striking aspect of the series (apart from the characters I'm going to go to) is its treatment and aesthetics. There are moments in the series where one feels almost in a documentary. It is a quiet maturity with which it unfolds, with long catches and piquant silences. Do not get me wrong, even though the series has a heart beating morally, it also has the sharp wit of an extremely bingeable television series.

The police procedure is proceeding rapidly, as tracks are discovered, pursued and brought to their reasonable conclusion with professional precision, spoiled only by the practical realities of police work. The show is not intended to glorify or launder the efforts of the police; it gives us a glimpse of the fact that the forces of order as a whole are aware of the weight they weigh when they undertake to protect the public every day.

So there are all kinds of cops working. on the case – from altruists to egoists; from those who take their role in society seriously, to those who have fallen into the profession by chance, but still do not have the option of being lax at work.

The crime of Delhi is not easy to monitor. In fact, this should come with a trip warning. Despite the risks, he manages to maintain a tight balance between the restraint of what the audience is exposed to and to get in all directions while the grim details of the case keep coming back. collapse.

In fact, this balance – the constant cutting edge of you? while the puzzle pieces are badembled and the event is logically reconstructed – this is a distinct feature of the show. Visuals are not graphic, but emotions certainly are.

This probably comes from the kind of time when author-director Richie Mehta seems to have spent a lot of time looking at files in the quest for his characters and story. This leads to a show that is both an indisputable watch but an exhausting experience.

However, accompanying you at each stage of this exhausting journey are the characters who drive it. Starting with the DCP Vartika Chaturvedi (under whose jurisdiction the crime was committed) and going down, the police personnel we met during the show won your heart despite the prevailing context. Netflix "width =" 1280 "height =" 720 "/>

A photo of Delhi Crime Netflix

Shefali Shah, who plays DCP Vartika, offers us another remarkable performance as the investigator. It's a role that requires a tightrope between drama and authenticity, and Shefali absolutely keeps it in. You always feel it simmering under the surface, on the verge of explosion, yet it seems to explode at the wrong times, so until you notice it's a motive.

She seems to lose her temper at moments that she does not deserve, because in the most pressing moments she has to keep her cool for being able to do its job, and what is that work, well, as a spectator, you're never allowed to forget.It's an outstanding performance that deserves to be commended as much as anything we've seen recently.

Then there is Rajesh Tailang, who plays the role of e Bhupender – the right arm of Vartika. This role is almost as complex as that of Vartika, and Tailang becomes the character.

Rasika Dugal, who plays a young recruit to accompany the victim of the looting and his family during this unbearably hard test, still gives us performances layered on the show. A special mention must also go to Gopal Dutt, Anurag Arora, Vinod Sherawat and all the others who play the cops investigators of the series. They give us life, breathing people with their own personality, united by the seriousness of what their work entails. Then, of course, there is Adil Hussain as police commissioner, the actor who carries his trademark gravitas.

It's the little details of the series that really keep her a long time. As a cop who sneaks in between all the detective work, a little time to go through the wedding announcements for his daughter; or the female officers are pushed to the front to stand in front of a crowd protesting (perhaps to dissuade the crowd from making an attack and, if necessary, as an excuse for revenge, "they attacked female officers" ); or even the fact that the investigating cops did not return home until the six accused were arrested.

The crimes of Delhi can only make you feel uncomfortable when you are forced to reconcile. I come back to the story of the trauma suffered by a completely innocent person and family, for no fault of their own. The crimes of Delhi do not give any false impression of closure, if that is what we are looking for, because there can be none. However, this requires you to take the time to appreciate the men and women responsible for protecting us every day, despite the ubiquitous and omniscient "system" that aims to get us.

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Publication date: Mar 22, 2019 12:14 pm
| Updated on March 22, 2019 12:14 pm


Date Updated: March 22, 2019 12:14:43 IST

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