The posthumous book of Stephen Hawking acclaimed


Sir – A New Book by Stephen Hawking, Brief Answers to Key Questions, was published posthumously. He quickly aroused much appreciation. The book addresses some controversial issues, such as the existence of god and extraterrestrial life. In addition to being a legendary scientist, Hawking was also a famous author. A brief history of Hawking's time for example, has sold over 10 million copies since it was first published in 1988. It is normal for his ashes to have been buried between the tombs of Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. .

Pramatha R. Bhattacharya,

A Tragic Turn

Sir – In 2014, when the National Democratic Alliance government took power, it promised to modernize its rail infrastructure. However, the incident in Amritsar, during which more than 60 people lost their lives, clearly shows that nothing has really changed in four years. A train robbed the partygoers while they were on track to watch an event in Dussehra ("The train crushes the crowd when Ravan burns," Oct. 20). This accident occurred just two kilometers from Amritsar station. The driver should have slowed down the train to give people more time to get away from the tracks. In addition, the event at Joda Phatak, the site of the accident, is apparently an annual affair. The railway authorities can not therefore claim that they were not aware of this function.

Unfortunately, although many lives have been lost, state and Union governments seem more interested in deflecting blame. If this is the attitude of those who hold power, other tragedies are inevitable.

B.K. Nundee,

Sir – The tragedy of Amritsar should give us a bitter lesson. People should never stand on railway tracks or cross them without permission This may be interpreted as a property violation and is punishable under Section 147 of the Indian Railways Act. In addition, it increases the risk of an accident. The decision to burn an effigy of Ravana in Amritsar, near the railroad tracks, was therefore poorly thought out. Spectators rushed to the railroad after lighting the effigy and the fireworks

. The organizers of the Dussehra event should be held responsible for these deaths. However, the Indian railways have also been negligent. Joda Phatak's crossing was autonomous. If there are unmanned level crossings in a city like Amritsar, no one can guess what the situation will look like in the countryside. India has the second largest railway network in the world. But he suffers from a crying lack of infrastructure.

Kamal Baruah,

Sir – It has been alleged that the organizers of the Dussehra program at Joda Phatak did not do so. ask permission of the civic body. If this is true, then it is a serious offense. Curiously, the event takes place every year. In addition, this time, the local legislator, Navjot Kaur Sidhu, was the main guest at the ceremony. Some witnesses suggest that Sidhu escaped after the accident. she then went to the hospital where the wounded were admitted. Strict measures must be taken against her and the organizers.

The role of police personnel must also be deepened. Why did not they stop the program if the organizers did not have the required permissions?

The Government of Punjab and the Center announced aid of five lakh rupees and two lakh rupees, respectively, to the relatives of the victims, but no pecuniary badistance will ever be possible

Ashim Kumar Chakraborty, [19659010] Guwahati

Sir, what happened to Vijaya Dashami in Punjab is heartbreaking. But what is even more tragic is that political parties and government agencies are shamelessly trying to blame others. There were failures on many levels. all those responsible for the incident must be brought to justice.

It is also necessary that people introspect. Why have so many partygoers invaded a congested railroad, putting their lives in danger? This incident shows that we must learn from a very young age to behave responsibly in public spaces. A little precaution could go a long way towards avoiding such crises.

Ashok Kumar Ghosh,

Sir – The attempt of the Indian Railways to give a good share to Amritsar The incident is absurd. The Minister of Railways, Piyush Goyal, must take moral responsibility for these deaths.

Rhea Roy,

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