The Queen opens the 91st Academy Awards and receives an ovation


The British rock group Queen, starring Adam Lambert, lead actor of "American Idol", opened on Sunday the first unmanned Oscars concert in 30 years with a stunning performance that made the celebrities of Dolby Theater crack .

Two surviving musicians from Queen's original band, guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor, join Lambert and play the lead role of the late Freddie Mercury to play two of the band's biggest hits: "We Will Rock You "and" We Are ". the Champions. "

The usual riffs of guitar and drums brought out the theater audience filled with stars, and many Hollywood luminaries seen singing.

Queen and Mercury are the subject of" Bohemian Rhapsody " a successful film nominated for the best image and in five categories in total at this year's Academy Awards, the 91st edition of the film industry's highest honors.

The launch of ABC TV broadcast with a rock band v A virtually unprecedented choice after comedian Kevin Hart, originally chosen to liven up the show, withdrew after being moved by all that was homophobic in his booth number -up and his tweets

Hart's withdrawal in December left the Oscars without a master of ceremonies, for the first time since 1989. That year, the show began with a number of songs and dances of eleven minutes away Critically criticized, starring Rob Lowe and an actress dressed in Snow White.

In recent years, the opening monologue of the Oscar host has become a platform for gags and jokes loufoquine politicians and many celebrities present.

But the Queen's performance paved the way for an evening that was to include an avalanche of great musical moments and presentations by Bette Midler, Jennifer Hudson, Jennifer Lopez and record producer Pharrell Williams

Lambert appeared for the first time with Queen's May and Taylor in 2009 as a candidate for the hit show "American Idol" when he interpreted two of the group's successes in this program. The trio collaborated occasionally in 2011 and has since shot several times under the name Queen + Adam Lambert.

Oscar producers, eager to increase the audience after a record audience on US television in 2018, are also under pressure to prevent the broadcast of television broadcasting

A plan to Short-term aim to reduce the time, distributing four of the two dozen Oscar trophies during commercial breaks, was dropped as a result of an adverse reaction from heavyweights of the film industry at the time. ;idea. .

The Academy of Arts and Film Science also quickly abandons an unfortunate proposal to create a new category of the best "popular" film to raise the ratings of the Oscars.

Despite the absence of an official animator. , Maya Rudolph had some jabs as she took the stage with two fellow actress comedians – Tina Fey and Amy Poehler – to present the first prize of the evening, Regina King as Best Supporting Actress for her role in "Si Beale Street could talk. "

" So, just a brief update for everyone in case you're confused: there is no host tonight, there will be no popular movie category and Mexico will not pay for the wall, "Rudolph the academy as well as the promise of US President Donald Trump to build a wall south of the US border at the expense of Mexico.

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