The rise and fall of Nawaz Sharif


Pakistan's anti-corruption court on Friday sentenced Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in absentia and sentenced him to 10 years in prison, which seemed to be the end of a long and tumultuous political career in the country. leader three times. [19659002] Sharif (68), is in London with his daughter, Maryam, was convicted after failing to prove a legal source of income for the purchase of several luxury apartments in the 1990s. Maryam also sentenced to seven years in prison

Sharif was disqualified last year by the Supreme Court, who declared him "dishonest" for failing to disclose a separate monthly income from a corporation belonging to his son. ] Here are some of the highlights of Sharif's career:

* 1949 – Nawaz Sharif was born into a Kashmiri industrial family from the city of Lahore, in the east of the country. Later he obtained a law degree from the Punjab University and went to work in the family business.

* 1976 – Enters politics, joining the Pakistan Muslim League (PML) after the nationalization of the Sharif Steel Company under the government of Zulfiqar Ali. Bhutto, the beginning of a long political rivalry between families

* 1981 – Joined the provincial cabinet of Punjab as finance minister, becoming the prime minister of Punjab in 1985. The PML broke up later and Nawaz forms the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N).

* 1990 – First elected Prime Minister

* 1993 – Abolished as Prime Minister by the President of Pakistan. He is reinstated by the Supreme Court but resigns under pressure and his party loses the elections to the People's Party of Benazir Bhutto, daughter of Zulfiqar Bhutto.

* 1997- Elected Prime Minister for the second time. During his tenure, Pakistan is successfully testing nuclear weapons in response to India's regional atomic program.

* 1999 – Reversed by General Pervez Musharraf, fourth coup of the military state since independence in 1947. After the coup, he is convicted of corruption and sentenced to life for embezzlement of an incident when he ordered the Musharraf plane not to land in Islamabad.

* 2000-2007 – Authorized to exile in Saudi Arabia in 2000 in the middle of an agreement with the army, he was pardoned by the president on the day of his family's departure [19659002] * 2007 – Return from exile to stand for election the following year as part of a political agreement that ended the military regime of Musharraf

* 2008 – Loss of Party election of Benazir Bhutto, who was badbadinated before the elections.

* 2013 – Elected prime minister for the third time. The PML-N returns to power at an election and gives its allies a solid majority in the National Assembly.

* April 4, 2016 – The Panama Papers reveal the involvement of Sharif's family in offshore companies, two of whom had the habit of buying luxury homes. London.

* Oct. 28, 2016 – Cricket player turned into politician Imran Khan threatens to cripple the capital, Islamabad, by blocking street protests unless demands for an independent inquiry into Panama's revelations do not be satisfied. Sharif denies any wrongdoing.

* 2 November 2016 – The Supreme Court agrees to set up a judicial commission to investigate allegations of corruption against Sharif, stemming from the Panama Papers leaks. Khan backs down from the lockdown threat.

* July 28, 2017 – Supreme Court declares Sharif disqualified from his post for failing to report the income of a company in the United Arab Emirates, which was not in the original Panama Papers revelations. The court also orders the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to open a criminal trial for the London apartment property as well as several other revelations of Panama Papers.

* April 13, 2018 – Supreme Court rules that Sharif is banned from political office for life

* July 6, 2018 – NAB court sentences Sharif to corruption and sentenced him to 10 years in prison in absentia.

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