The Saudis "dissolved" Khashoggi's body in a chasm after a murder: Councilor Erdogan


The body of journalist Jamal Khashoggi was "dissolved" after his badbadination and dismemberment at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul a month ago, an adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced Friday.

The complaint echoes what a Turkish official told Washington Post – for whom Khashoggi was a contributor – that the authorities were investigating a theory that the body was destroyed to the acid.

"We now see that it was not just about breaking up, they got rid of the body by dissolving it," said Yasin Aktay, Erdogan's advisor and head of the organization. party in power in Turkey, Hurriyet . Newspaper published Friday.

"According to the latest information available to us, the body was cut up because it was easier to dissolve it," Aktay said.

Saudi Arabia faces a torrent of international condemnation as a result of the murder. from the royal insider become critical.

The Turkish Attorney General confirmed Wednesday for the first time that Khashoggi was strangled as soon as he entered the consulate on October 2 as part of a planned bombing. His body was then dismembered and destroyed.

"They were aimed at ensuring that no sign of the body was left, as is clear from the prosecutor's statement," said Aktay, who is close to the journalist.

"Killing an innocent person is a crime, the treatment and extent of what has been done to the body is another crime and dishonor."

Turkish official cited by Washington Post stated that "biological evidence" found in the consulate's garden indicated that the body was probably deposited near the site of Khashoggi's death.

"Khashoggi 's body did not have to be buried," said the official to the US newspaper under cover of anonymity.

According to local media reports, the Saudi authorities denied Turkish police permission to search a well in the consulate's garden, but allowed them to take water samples for the purpose. 39; badysis.

The murder has weighed on the decades-old alliance. between the United States and Saudi Arabia and tarnished the image of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, de facto ruler of the kingdom.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday that he could run out "a few more weeks" before Washington has enough evidence to impose sanctions on those responsible.

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