The space between the stars is full of greasy carbon, maybe toxic


The globular cluster 47 Tucanae about 13 000 light-years from Earth in the halo of the Milky Way, as seen through the Hubble Space Telescope.
Photo: NASA (AP)

The space between the stars may seem pretty empty – and for most of the worldly intentions and purposes, it is – but it's actually full of electromagnetic radiation and vast clouds of matter, collectively known as interstellar medium. Some of them are aliphatic carbons that are leaking stars, and a new study from researchers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and the Ege University found that it There was a lot.

The interstellar space has enough of the fat, probably toxic carbon that Professor UNSW and study co-author Tim Schmidt says he could accumulate on any interstellar craft theoretical future, the guardian reported:

The Austro-Turkish team has discovered more than expected: 10 trillion trillion trillion glottis, or enough for 40 trillion trillion trillion packets of butter.

Professor Tim Schmidt, a chemist at the University of New South Wales in Sydney and co-author of the study, said that the windshield of a future spaceship crossing the 39, interstellar space could have a sticky coating.

"Among other things, there will be interstellar dust, partially greasy, partially sooty and partially siliceous like sand," he said, adding that the fat is swept into our own solar system by the solar wind.

Schmidt and his fellow researchers "recreated in the laboratory the process by which fatty carbon is formed in carbon starts", the guardian written, then used spectroscopy to see how the material reacted to different types of light. These data then allowed them to use previous astronomical observations to estimate the amount of material that appears to be accumulating in the vast expanses between stars, with scientists concluding that this fat accounts for between one-quarter and one-half of all the carbon in the galaxy.

The abundance of interstellar fat has clear implications for the availability of some of the building blocks of life across the Milky Way. The materials in the interstellar medium are the basis of new stars and planets, and the proportion of carbon in it could determine how many organic compounds are formed in the resulting star systems.

"It is made in the stars, crosses the interstellar medium and incorporates into new planetary systems and has eventually been incorporated into life," Schmidt told the newspaper. "It's part of the big story, the biggest story out there."

[The Guardian]
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