The supernatural ends after 15 television seasons


  Supernatural -

After 14 years and 327 episodes, the favorite series of fans Supernatural is coming to an end. The show, created in 2005, saw three different presidents, the rise of fandom on the Internet and the integration of geek culture. In fact, it is difficult to remember a time when Supernatural was not on the air. The series premiered for the first time on the WB, before moving to the CW, and its epic series makes it the oldest science fiction / American genre series in history.

The series, created by Eric Kripke, stars Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki as Dean and Sam Winchester, brothers who follow in their father's footsteps as they scour the land for supernatural creatures. Co-star Misha Collins, who plays Angel, Castiel, fan favorite, announced the announcement in an Instagram video:

Executive Producers Robert Singer and Andrew Dabb issued a statement saying: would like to thank all the fans people who participated in the show both in front of and behind the camera. For us it has been an experience of a lifetime. The support we received from Warner Bros. Television and The CW was incredible. We would especially like to thank Jensen, Jared and Misha for making this trip so special. It is now important for us to give these characters what we like to receive as they deserve. "

Padalecki says in the video:" We cried a few tears and we cry more, but we are grateful. and we will use all this emotion for next season. "And Ackles conveyed a message from the creator of the show, Eric Kripke, who said," In a show on the family, it's amazing, and that's the pride of his life is became a family. "

The upcoming final season will consist of 20 episodes and presumably a kind of special event for fans or the final to mark the end of the long series. Despite several attempts, the CW never advanced with a derivative series Supernatural but perhaps the end of the series will open a new avenue for a potential series located in the same universe.

What do you think of the end of Supernatural ? Are you sad to see the show go or ready for the Winchesters to finally rest?

(via The Hollywood Reporter, picture: Cate Cameron / The CW)

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