The UN chief will visit the Rohingya camps in Bangladesh on Monday


Standard of Business

Dhaka [Bangladesh]

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Sunday that he will visit the Rohingya refugee camps at Cox & Co. Bazar, Bangladesh. the seriousness of the problem

Guterres said that the United Nations intends to intensify the prerogative on the Myanmar government to speed up the repatriation process.

"We maintain pressure on Myanmar … we need to put more pressure on Myanmar to make it clear what it needs to do on this issue," he said at his meeting with Bangladesh. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in his office

Prime Minister Hasina's Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim told the media that Guterres also said that the United Nations and World Bank would continue to support Bangladesh on the issue of Rohingyas. [19659006] Earlier, Prime Minister Hasina informed the two Guterres and President of the World Bank of the current situation of the Rohingyas and mentioned that these people began to enter Bangladesh in 1977.

Sheikh Hasina said that Bangladesh had housed 1.1 million Rohingyas only for humanitarian reasons and various services, including health care, were provided to them

(This story was not published by the Standard Business Staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

First published: Sun, 01 July 2018. 16:50 IST

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