The United Kingdom is preparing to publish the Brexit plan that sparked the rebellion – The New Indian Express



LONDON: Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May will today release details of her long-awaited Brexit plan to revive talks with the EU, after facing a revolt of eurosceptic ministers who could still overthrow her.

In an orientation document, the government will present proposals to allow Britain to maintain close economic and security ties with the European Union even after it has left the block in March

. referendum (vote to leave), and delivers a Brexit principle and practice, "Brexit secretary Dominic Raab said in the foreword.

But the plan provoked outrage among eurosceptic members May Conservative Party and David Davis Boris Johnson resigned dramatically this week in protest.

Their departures, followed by a handful of young collaborators, destabilized May's government and reignited the debate. a leadership challenge against it.

The minister should also face some opposition in Brussels, where the authorities have repeatedly warned Britain to reduce its expectations of close ties

See also: BREXIT: UK Welcomes Theresa May's Brexit Plan

EU President Donald Tusk and German Chancellor Angela Merkel shared her plan and reacted positively t, although they expect details.

Great Britain does not need to argue "

If we do not reach an agreement, Britain will leave the EU without agreement, with the risk of a huge economic disruption on both sides of the Channel.

Brexit in June 2016, but May has not yet been able to present a common position in Brussels on what she wants because of the deep divisions of her government.

Amidst the warnings of companies that remained uncertain His government finally agreed on a plan last week

Britain would leave the single market and the EU customs union as planned, to put an end to the free movement of people and to sign its own declaration. But it would maintain the EU's property rules to protect complex manufacturing supply chains, using technology to levy its own rights on UK products from outside the bloc. , while diverging on the services.

We must rise to the challenge and seize the opportunities of Brexit, said Raab, adding that politics represented a "balance".

But Johnson, one of the leading Brexit activists, said that following EU rules without being able to change them risked "The other eurosceptics who want a clean break with the bloc are also livid, which suggests that they could launch a vote of confidence against the month of May.

Brexit members, including The main eurosceptic conservative, Jacob Rees-Mogg, will also seek to force himself by tabling amendments to a bill on trade which will be debated in the House of Commons next week

another would ask the EU to collect all Britain's tariffs on goods coming from the United Kingdom.

The latter would probably be unacceptable for Brussels, thus killing May's plan, but Rees-Mogg told AFP to help the government fulfill some of its earlier promises. "

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