The United States and North Korea seek to clarify the situation as Pompeo holds two-day talks on the nuclear program


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo began Saturday a second day of talks in North Korea to try to find details on how to dismantle the country's nuclear program, and both sides said that They had "clarified" the day before. 19659002] After spending his first night in the North Korean capital in three visits this year, Pompeo left the government guest house where he spent the night calling on US President Donald Trump.

Pompeo sits again with Kim Yong Chol, a senior North Korean party leader and former spy agency chief who plays a key role with Pompeo in the organization June 12 Summit between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. 19659004] Kim Yong Chol said the two had had "a very serious discussion on very important issues yesterday" and joked that therefore, Pompeo "could not having slept well last night at the prestigious Paekhwawon, or 100 Flowers Garden, gues

Pompeo replied: Director Kim, I slept very well.We had a good series of conversations yesterday.J & # 39; enjoy this and look forward to our ongoing conversations today too.

Pompeo reiterated that Trump was "committed to a better future for North Korea."

"So the work that we do, the path to complete denuclearization is vital for u North Korea's brightest and for the success that our two presidents require of us, "said Pompeo

. Kim acknowledged that the work was important. "There are things I need to clarify," he says.

There are things I need to clarify, said Pompeo.

US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said to reporters as working groups to take care of everything, including the verification of denuclearization efforts, which would be led on the American side by Sung Kim, a Korean-American who is also ambbadador to the Philippines.

Nauert said that Pompeo's talks with North Korean officials also included the repatriation of the remains of the US Korean War.


ALSO READ: Pompeo will visit Korea to "fill" the details of Kim's denuclearization plan

held nearly three hours of talks with Kim Yong Chol and a working dinner that Nauert described as another relationship building. She said the dinner was hard an hour and 45 minutes and sometimes both were jokes and exchanged pleasantries.

It was unclear whether Pompeo would meet Kim Jong Un as he had done on his previous travels before heading to Tokyo later that day.

Nauert refused to characterize the discussions up to now, but said: up to their commitments. The North Korean official KCNA news agency said the Pompeo delegation was participating in high-level talks on the implementation of the Singapore summit declaration, but did not give more details .

Korean Peninsula, "but did not offer any details on how or when North Korea could dismantle an weapons program that Trump promised will not be allowed to threaten the United States. [19659002] Before arriving in North Korea, Pompeo said that he was looking at in "some detail about North Korea 's commitments and maintain momentum towards implementation of the program. summit agreement. "

US intelligence officials told Reuters that Pompeo would attempt to hear on an initial list of nuclear sites and an inventory

ALSO READ: North Korea is" very serious "about the dismantling of nuclear weapons: Trump

The question of the rema ins of American soldiers missing from the 1950-53 Korean war Trump said after the Singapore summit that Kim had agreed to send back the remains in the United States.

The two questio They are considered essential tests to determine if Kim is serious about the talks. North Korean officials have not yet demonstrated that in labor-level discussions, intelligence officials said.

Some state and defense officials and US intelligence agencies fear that Trump may have been at a disadvantage by exaggerating the results of The Singapore Summit

Before the summit, Pompeo declared that Trump reject any matter of "complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization."

But after talks Sunday between US envoy Sung Kim and his North Korean counterparts, "The language seems to have disappeared from the State Department's lexicon."

He says the pressure will remain until the end of the war. North Korea is denuclearizing, but in statements this week, it has redefined the US goal as "the final and fully verified denuclearization of the country." 19659002] Some US officials and experts said that the change of language reverted to a more flexible approach

The State Department stated that its policy remained unchanged

Pompeo's discussions will be closely monitored in the region. South Korean and Japanese allies in Tokyo next Sunday.

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