The United States excludes waivers for India, says ready to work with countries that reduce oil imports from Iran


The United States has declared itself willing to work with countries that reduce their oil imports on a case-by-case basis, but has ruled out granting exemptions to countries such as India or Turkey, as this could significantly reduce pressure on Tehran.

Iran is the third largest oil supplier of India behind Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Iran supplied 18.4 million tons of crude oil in April 2017 and January 2018 (the first ten months of 2017-2018 fiscal year). Last month, President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the historic Iranian nuclear deal, reimposing US sanctions that had been suspended in exchange for cutting Tehran's nuclear program.

180 days to liquidate their business with their Iranian counterparts, depending on the type of business activity. Now, Washington is putting increasing pressure on all countries, including India and China, to completely stop buying oil from Iran before November 4. "We are not seeking to grant licenses or waivers." Brian Hook, Director of Policy Planning at the State Department, told reporters at a press conference: "We are not looking for to grant licenses or general waivers on the reimposition of sanctions, because we believe that pressure is essential to achieve our national security goals. "Hook said the first part of US sanctions against Iran would resume on August 6. "These sanctions will include the Iranian auto sector, trade in gold and other key metals," he said. "The remaining sanctions will resume November 4th. These sanctions will include the targeting of the Iranian energy sector and oil transactions, as well as transactions with the Central Bank of Iran, "said Hook

" We are ready to work with countries We reduce their imports to the case on a case-by-case basis, but as with our other sanctions, we are not seeking to grant wavers or licenses, "Hook said of India and Turkey importing Iranian oil. Announced its withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal, Mr Hook said the US diplomatic teams from the state and Treasury were bringing with them a message of cooperation and coordination. "Many countries around the world are sharing our interests in the fight against terrorism, halting the proliferation of missiles and promoting peace and stability in the Middle East, "he said. [ad_2]
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