"The United States stands with the Indian people": Trump tweets on the occasion of 26/11/11 Mumbai terrorist attacks


Washington, DC: On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Mumbai terrorist attack, President Donald Trump said Monday that the United States stands alongside the Indian people in its quest to justice.

In the barbaric attack launched in November On January 26, 2008, by 10 fedayeen from Pakistan, 166 people, including six US nationals, were killed. "On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Mumbai terrorist attack, the United States stands alongside the Indian people in its quest for justice," Trump told Twitter.

"The attack killed 166 innocent people, including six Americans, we will never let the terrorists win, or even approach us to win!" he said.
Kia Scherr, whose husband and a 13-year-old daughter were killed in the attack, thanked the president for his tweet. "May this day serve to remind us that love dominates hatred by love.This is the strength that no bullet can kill.It is our true power." Thank you, "she said.

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At a solemn event "in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks of 26/11 in Mumbai" at the Embbady of India, a senior US counterterrorism official called the Pakistan to bring to justice its members and other terrorists.

"We call on all countries, in particular Pakistan, to play their part in bringing their perpetrators to justice, and all countries must respect their international obligations to take action against the UN-sanctioned terrorist group. its leaders, "said Nathan Sales, chief of state. In his brief remark, the coordinator of the department in charge of the fight against terrorism

Noting that one day earlier, the State Department had announced an offer of up to $ 5 million US to provide information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone who committed or witnessed the horrific attacks, said Sales, "With this we remind the world that we have not forgotten those who have perished 10 years ago and we will not rest until their perpetrators are brought to justice. "

This is an absolute affront to the Mumbai victims and their families. who afflict them so far that after 10 years, those who planned these despicable acts have still not been convicted for their crimes, said Sales, echoing the statement of Secretary State State Mike Pompeo had been done the day before.

"Our citizens have died together, so we must all work together to end the scourge of terrorism, we must stop terrorists who have committed this act of barbarism, and again threaten our people," said Sales. warning the terrorist group and its leaders that the United States would pursue them wherever they are.

In his remarks, India's ambbadador to the United States, Navtej Singh Sarna, paid tribute to the innocent victims lost in these attacks, including Indians and citizens of 14 others. countries, including those in the United States.

He condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. and urged the international community to call on Pakistan to bring to justice the perpetrators of these heinous terrorist attacks.

Sarna thanked the US Department of State for putting in place a program called "Rewards for Justice", announcing a bonus for any information leading to an arrest or arrest. a conviction. anyone involved in planning or facilitating attacks.

To honor the memory of the victims, the participants observed a minute of silence. married by lighting candles. Excerpts from an article written on this occasion by Kia Scherr, co-founder of the charity 'One Life Alliance & # 39; and family member of American victims of this tragedy, were also read.

The event ended with the screening of HBO documentary on the 26/11 bombings in Mumbai, titled "Terror in Mumbai".
Basant Sanghera and Jennifer Whethey, Director of the United States National Security Council at the White House, attended the event. Rabbi Levi Shemstov, Executive Vice President of the American Friends of Lubavitch (Chabad) recounted his personal encounter with the events of the day 10 years ago, as he was desperately trying to save his friends and colleagues in Mumbai and it was maintained by telephone with one of the terrorists

In a separate statement, Congressman Eliot L Engel, leading member of the powerful committee of the Foreign Affairs Chamber, declared there 10 the world witnessed in real time the terrible 60-hour terrorist attack in Mumbai. .

"I join friends and family to remember the 166 victims, including the six American citizens killed in the attack, and I stand in solidarity with the Indian people who have demonstrated their ability to cope with such violence, "he said. I said.

"It remains imperative, as it was 10 years ago, to bring to justice the perpetrators of such heinous and senseless violence," said Engel, who will likely be the chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives. 39 next year. 19659005] "10 years ago, the Indians were victims of a heinous terrorist attack in Mumbai.Today, we remember the victims and support India in the fight against". violent Islamist extremism, "Ted Yoho, a member of Congress, said in a tweet.

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