The US envoy of Israel said that Turkey and Qatar are trying to "ruin" the US-Saudi relationship


Israel's ambbadador to the United States, Ron Dermer, criticized global double-talk after the murder of the Saudi journalist following the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


Dermer said, "It's difficult for me to take seriously the scandalous statements that the killing has caused and the calls for a fundamental change in relations with Saudi Arabia, so that (the same people) supported an agreement. this gave the declared enemy hundreds of billions of dollars in the United States.

He also addresses criticisms of the US decision to withdraw from the Iranian nuclear deal and impose sanctions.

"If we are outraged by the murder of One, we should be five hundred thousand times more indignant at the killing of five hundred thousand people, "he said, citing the conclusion that the nuclear deal had" allowed " Bashar al-Assad to kill 500,000 innocent Syrians. 19659002] "Turkey and Qatar are striving to ruin their relations with Saudi Arabia," he said, criticizing Qatari news channel Al Jazeera for spreading anti-war messages. American and anti-Semitic.

Dermer said that the United States should exercise caution. to put aside its important "strategic relationship" with Saudi Arabia, adding that the United States and Iran do not share "any interest or value".


Last updated: Sunday, November 4, 2018 KSA 11:34 AM – GMT 8:34 AM

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