The victims after several rocket attacks on Kabul: Police | news from the world


At least three people were injured after several rockets were fired at Kabul on Tuesday, police said, but no immediate responsibility was claimed for the latest attack on the Afghan capital. from an unknown direction and … hit residential areas near the mountains in the PD5 (police district), "said police spokesman Hashmat Stanikzai

three civilians were wounded and some police officers were deployed.

An AFP reporter heard what appeared to be a fourth explosion, but the police did not immediately confirm it.

Rocket attacks occurred two days after a suicide bomber blew himself up near Kabul International Airport at least 23 people, including Mohammad Akhtar, AFP pilot, 107 others were injured.

The Sunday attack was claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group, which said it targeted Afghan Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum, who returned to Kabul after more than a year of Many government officials, political leaders and Tisans had gone to the airport to welcome Dostum, a powerful Uzbek ethnic leader and former warlord.

Dostum was unscathed in the attack, his armored vehicle having already prevailed when the bomber struck

The ordinary Afghans were the cost of the fierce war of 17 years that made Kabul one of the most dangerous places in the country for civilians.

Militant attacks and suicide bombings were the main causes of civilian deaths. The first half of 2018, a recent report from the UN showed.

The total number of civilians killed was 1,692, the largest number for the period since the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan began guarding

3,430 other people injured, according to the report.

Suicide bombings and "complex" attacks involving several militants have caused 1,413 wounded – 427 dead and 986 wounded – up 22% a year

If this trend continues, this figure will exceed the record of 2017 of nearly 2,300 victims in a full year.

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