The White House barns a report to CNN about a press event for "shouting". a question to Donald Trump; US media are moving


Washington : The White House on Thursday banned a CNN reporter from attending a presidential event, arguing that he was expecting that "everything the world be respectful of the presidency, "in a controversial move

The White House Correspondents Association condemned the" misguided and inappropriate decision "to prevent Kaitlan Collins from attending a Rose Garden event, open to the press, after throwing a question to US President Donald Trump at a conference. Availability of oval desk supports. Collins posed the question as a pool reporter during the Trump Oval photo shoot with visiting European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

  File image of The White House. AFP

File image of the White House. AFP

Defending its decision, the White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, claimed that the Trump administration supports press freedom but wants "everyone to be in the presidency". "At the end of a press event in the oval office, a reporter shouted questions and refused to leave, even though he was repeatedly asked to do so.After that, our staff l? She was informed that she was not welcome, and other journalists from her network could attend, "said Sanders after the journalists' outrage. "She said that it did not matter to her because she had not planned to be there anyway," said Sanders

Jim Acosta of CNN ] in a tweet describes it as "a new hollow for the White House" and said that his colleague Collins deserves better. The White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) filed its protest. While the Trump administration has experienced constant friction between journalists and the White House, it may be the first time that a journalist is barred from attending an event at the White House . "We strongly condemn the ill-advised and inappropriate decision of the White House today to ban one of our members an open press event after asking questions that they do not have." Did not like it. " This type of retaliation is totally inappropriate, wrong, and weak. "Olivier Rekox said journalists who ask questions of powerful government officials, including the president, help hold those responsible for their actions and in our republic, OSCF supports the prerogative of all reporters to do their job without fear of government reprisal Knox said:

CNN's Competitive Network Fox News expressed his solidarity with the journalist and objected to the White House's decision in this regard. "We stand firmly with CNN for the right to free access for our journalists as part of of a free and unhindered press, "said [ Fox News Jay Wallace President

.An interview, Collins said that soon after the oval office event she has been invited to come to Bill Shine's play, the new chief of the White House's deputy communications staff. Sanders was also present at the meeting. "They said you were disappointed with the availability of the press in the rose garden today, they said the questions I had asked were inappropriate for this place and they said I was screaming "said Collins. "You ban me from an event because you did not like the questions I asked," Collins said. Shine and Sanders told him that "we do not ban your network, your photographers can always come, your producers can still come, but you are not invited to the Rose Garden.

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