The widow of hockey Olympian Mohammad Shahid threatens to make his rewards | Other sports


The widow of the late Olympian Mohammad Shahid Parveen Tuesday threatened to return his awards to Padma Shri, Arjuna and others if the government failed to keep his promise made after his death.

One of India's top strikers, Shahid, who belonged to Varanasi, was a member of the winning team of the Moscow Olympics in 1980. He died on July 20, 2016 after a long illness .

Parveen said that several people, including ministers, visited her place after the death of her husband, but the government had not kept its promise to provide help.

Ram Sakal Gurjar, Sports Minister of the previous Samajvadi Party Government The national tournament would be held every year on behalf of Shahid, she said.

Vijay Goel, then Sports Minister, badured full support of his ministry for holding a tournament in Varanasi, but the central government had not taken any initiative, she said. added.

"My financial condition is not so strong that I can afford to sponsor or organize a tournament at the local, district or state level.If the government does not fulfill the promises made after his death, I will return the rewards of Shahid, including Padma Shri and Arjuna, "said Mr. Parveen.

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The government had also promised that a gas pump or gas agency would be awarded. "The promises are still there I lead the family in retirement.If this is the situation in the two years of his death, who will remember Mohammad Shahid in the future?"

She said that & # 39; She would visit New Delhi after July 20 and try to appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and return the rewards. She was unhappy that she did not have the time to meet the Prime Minister during his recent visit to Varanasi, his constituency.

She said that Olympians Dhanraj Pillai and Zafar Iqbal had promised that a hockey academy on behalf of Shahid would be open in Varanasi.

Mohammad Shahid was employed as an official sports car in diesel locomotives (DLW). His daughter Hina said, "We want a big hockey tournament to mark Dad's birthday on April 14th of every year. In 2017, my mother organized an event with the help of sportsmen. But it could not be held this year. "

After his death, it was announced that the stadium on DLW campus in Varanasi will be named after Shahid.Although a painting bearing his name was placed, he was later removed and the director of public relations, DLM, Nitin Mehrotra, said that the Railway Council did not approve of the name change on Tuesday and met his wife.He said: "A report on his requests will be sent to the state government. "

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