The world needs the United States to be at the forefront of genetic engineering


(Bloomberg Opinion) – Human genetic engineering has shifted from science fiction to science – at least, if you believe reports from China. A team from the South Shenzhen University of Science and Technology, led by researcher He Jiankui, said that she had altered the genes of the binoculars when they were in the city. uterus, making them more resistant to AIDS. It is important to note that scientists would have used Crispr, the new technique which, in the opinion of many, would make genetic engineering inexpensive and widespread.

Before hastily declaring that the world has changed, it is obvious that the work must be verified. Chinese universities are renowned for their widespread fraud and, even in much more famous countries, major claims of breakthroughs in the field of biotechnology have been made in the past. The Chinese government is trying to find out if the innovation that it has – advertised on YouTube instead of being published in a scientific journal – is real.

But even if these genetically modified superabies turned out to be a hoax, it seems very likely that the real Crispr children are not far behind. This means that politicians need to think about how to deal with this revolutionary new technology – not only ethics, but also the economy.

Ethically, many will probably shy away from modifying children to make them healthier – not to mention stronger, smarter or otherwise capable. Although genetic engineering is only used to cure or prevent disease, a large minority of Americans – probably inspired by religious concerns – oppose this idea. When it comes to less serious cases, like making a person smarter, a large majority disapproves:

These opinions could evolve over time. If a person's intelligence could actually be improved safely and reliably, without serious side effects, it would dramatically improve productivity. And if workers in China or other countries started to increase their productivity in the following way – as it seems certain that they would – it would be difficult for Americans to compete, unless & # 39; They do the same.

But those who fear a future where everyone is forced to In order for their children to become geniuses in order to keep pace with the Chinese, it is necessary to calm down, because the improvement of intelligence risk strong to stay science fiction for a long time. There are probably thousands of genes that each exert a tiny influence on cognitive ability, and it is highly unlikely that humans can modify many of their genes without causing serious and undesirable side effects.

I guess the reduction of genetic predilection for anxiety is decreasing. and depression will be a much more convenient way to increase productivity and relieve large amounts of human suffering. Reducing mental illnesses such as schizophrenia may also be possible. The use of antidepressants, anti-anxiety and antipsychotics is already widespread. It therefore seems reasonably possible that genetics will eventually be accepted as additional treatment. If this is the case, both domestic production and welfare will improve.

There is another reason why the United States should not be left behind in genetic engineering: it could be a huge consumer market. In addition to treating diseases and improving mental health and productivity, genetic engineering is likely to be used for aesthetic purposes. A fraction of the world will want to give their children a few extra centimeters of height, a little more strength or a different hair color to stand out in the job market, the dating market or simply for aesthetic reasons. [19659002] Companies that ultimately provide these services to those who want them – as well as ancillary services such as counseling, testing and surveillance – will generate huge amounts of money. Patents on various advanced technologies will be worth billions of dollars. If the United States is reluctant to develop genetic engineering technology, these riches will go to China, or to any other country taking the technological advantage.

That is why, despite all the ethical concerns, it is important that the US government go ahead. with research on human genetic engineering. The Chinese government, which is very wary of security, privacy and ethics, will probably make some quick initial advances, but the US can still win the race in the long run. If US research in genetic engineering imposes strict controls on security and privacy, as well as a lively and open debate on the ethics of different genetic technologies, it is likely that companies Americans will be those who will eventually market safe and reliable products.

Dystopian results are also less likely with the United States at the helm. China, which is still intensifying its human rights abuses and surveillance state, may decide to try to genetically reconstitute its population for social control purposes. It's a terrifying prospect and even more terrifying if other countries decide to do the same. But the United States can show the world alternative uses of genetic modification, based on freedom, justice, the improvement of health and happiness.

Whether she likes it or not, the technology of genetic engineering is irrelevant. The human race is about to change and it is up to the free world to make sure that it manages it in a healthy rather than horrendous way.

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.

Noah Smith is an editorialist of Bloomberg Opinion. He was an badistant professor of finance at Stony Brook University and blogged in Noahpinion.

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