Theories of the craziest fans about Jordan Peele



Success at the box office has already given rise to a ton of debate.

Jordan Peele's movie Us – his follow-up to Get Out – illuminated the box office, sparking many debates and intriguing theories of fans. Let's move on to some of the craziest and most interesting to date! (And do not forget to also check out our explanatory function of American End, which breaks down the final as well as some of the most remarkable plot points in the film.)

Complete revelations follow us and we … [19659006] Pluto vs. Jason

Jim Vejvoda and Tom Jorgensen of IGN have already covered the most prominent fan theory: Jason is actually a Tethered who was swapped before the film's events. This means that Pluto, healed, is actually born above ground, while Jason recently lived underground with Red. There are some holes, but if this theory is confirmed – and we accept Red's story that the Tethered were forced to subsist on a raw rabbit – Jason's decision to save a rabbit in the end becomes a lot less warm and more blurred.

This one is pretty, but many fans have wondered if Reddit Peele intended to unfold in the same universe, or even if we could be a prelude or a sequel to Get Out. Both films certainly focus on themes of oppression and appropriation, arguing that this privilege determines who is worthy of the agency and who is disposable. But to go further, it is not difficult to imagine the mythology of a film giving birth to the other.

According to Red, the Tethered were created by a ghostly organization, possibly linked to the government. They made copies of people and enslaved them underground, which would allow them to somehow control the real people from above. The project was a failure, however, and it was abandoned "several generations ago". The creation of the Tethered, while not producing the desired results, could have contributed to the mad science behind the Get Out Coagula Order.

In Get Out, the goal of the bad guys is to implant the spirit of the richer older people into the body of younger and healthier people. The process was first pursued by Roman Armitage, who told us that he was lost by Jesse Owens to the 1936 Olympic Games. Once his Olympic career was over, he would have had the age to work on the project. creation of the Tethered, which, according to Red's schedule, could have been operational until the 1940s.

Armitage therefore took what he had learned there – – that only one soul could to be shared between two people – and the opposite, allowing his son and son later to surgically tighten two consciousnesses into one body. Although we may have to wait for a frame-by-frame badysis before obtaining additional support for the shared universe theory, for now, it's a fun thought.

If this connection to another Peele film is not strange enough, the man himself has grown a so-called humorous tie. Peele told Entertainment tonight that he had heard a theory suggesting that the ambulance in which the Wilson escaped was a reference to the ambulance that his EMT character had driven to Little Fockers. Peele, unperturbed, "I will not confirm or deny that my guy from Little Fockers EMT is referenced in us."

Reflections of Horror Icons

covers his whole face. The obvious link that exists here is with Jason Voorhees, the movie's slasher on Friday 13. Interestingly, in the first movie in this series, Jason is a red clutter. The real killer is Jason's mother a funny parallel because Jason Wilson's mother not only kills a group of people herself, but also turns out to be the real reason behind all the uprising.

Obvious horror connection (and probably unintentional) is to Halloween movies. A creator, Redditor, says Dr. Loomis' description of Michael Meyers in Halloween is strangely similar to Tethered's description of Red. Loomis says that Michael had an empty face and no emotion and of course that Michael never spoke, which would be pretty good for a Tethered.

The theory suggests that Michael's true double came out of hell just before Halloween 1963, replaced it. , donned a mask and killed his sister. That would mean that in the tunnels, there might be another Michael who has been there for over 50 years, badimilated to the Tethered in the same way that Adelaide, the real Adelaide, has turned red. Peele mentioned Halloween several times before the release of Us. Is it possible that this is a connection he hoped the fans would discover?

Of course, Easter eggs from horror movies do not stop there. The only brown leather glove worn by Tethered bears some resemblance to Freddy Krueger's A Nightmare on Elm Street. Adelaide's mother mentions the filming near The Lost Boys, which was actually filmed on this boardwalk the year of the first scene of US The Lost Boys is a name that could easily be apply to the Tethered, who follow Red in the same way that the vampires of The Lost Boys follow David. And in each case, there is a progenitor hidden behind all this.

There is also a VHS copy of C.H.U.D. next to the television, broadcasting Hands Across America advertising at the very beginning. C.H.U.D. deals with an underground plot that leads to deadly monsters emerging from the sewers. Sound familiar?

The captives are better than their counterparts

Attached versions of the Wilson are all slightly damaged when we meet them, physically, psychologically or both. But the Tethered can actually be superior to their air counterparts in some ways. We know that Zora is a strong runner, but when she tries to escape, Umbrae pursues her easily. Gabe, in his first attempt to confront the intruders, tries to be firm but fails miserably. When his double, Abraham, runs to the door, he neutralizes Gabe without breaking the sweat.

We do not know how Pluto had these horrible facial burns, but perhaps every time Jason tried (and failed) to produce a flame with his magic trick, Pluto did succeed in the tunnels below. Whenever Jason placed the lighter near his face to see what was wrong, poor Pluto had to imitate the movement with a sharp flame, burn after burn.

Finally, there is Adelaide, who has revealed herself to be a Tethered all. along. She manages to better beat Red in single combat, even if his hands are chained. And do not forget the climbing abilities of Umbrae and Pluto that are displayed during the first badault on the Wilson House.

This theory ignores the fact that the four Wilson children – the real ones and their clones – would be half-attached. Everyone would have an attached parent and an ordinary human parent, so they should be about the same. Again, if you believe Red, the Tethered are just ordinary humans – Americans! – So, if there is a significant difference between children, it is a question of culture rather than nature.

These are just some of the most interesting theories of fans on Us that are currently floating. Others are likely to occur in the coming weeks and months. Only time will tell if any of these theories can explain where the Tethered got all these scissors and these matching jumpsuits.

Do you know theories we missed? Let us know in the comments!

Adam DiLeo had some difficult days, but at least he did not have to fight his doppelganger. Again.

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