There are 121 giant planets in the Milky Way with moons that could harbor extraterrestrial life


Scientists have identified more than a hundred or so exoplanets three times larger than the Earth that could have moons that harbor extraterrestrial life. They said that expanding the quest for ET to include moons could yield better finds. (19459013) NASA GSFC: Jay Friedlander and Britt Griswold )

The quest for extraterrestrial life is based on the results of planetary exploration, but some scientists believe that humans should instead watch the moons [19659003]. Australian and Californian researchers have identified more than a hundred planets in the Milky Way who may have moons that could be prime targets in the quest for extraterrestrial life.

Their discoveries will also serve to develop a powerful new telescope that will be able to search for biosignatures, or the telltale signs of life as we know it, in the moons of other planets

Looking For Extraterrestrial Life [19659006] In a new article published in the Astrophysical Journal astrophysicists from the University of Southern Queensland and the University of California, Riverside, say that they found 121 giant planets outside the solar system that may be surrounded by moons that could serve as the new study is based on data collected by NASA's Kepler mission, launched in 2009 with the specific goal of finding telluric planets in habitable areas other solar systems of the galaxy. 19659003] The habitable zone is the hot spot of the solar system where the temperatures are neither too high nor too cold, so that water can exist in the three states: solid, liquid and gaseous.

Kepler mainly targets telluric planets or planets with rocky terrain like that of the Earth. However, researchers believe that it is not yet time to discount gas giants.

In this solar system, there are 175 known moons in orbit around the eight planets. Most of them are found around the gaseous giants Jupiter and Saturn, which are outside the habitable zone. In other solar systems, it is quite possible that giants with rocky moons thrive in the habitable zone where living conditions abound

"Include rocky exomons in our search for life in the "Space will greatly expand the places we can look at," says planetary astrophysicist Stephen Kane of the UCR Alternative Earths Astrobiology Center

Potential to Find Alien Life on the Moons [19659006] Researchers say moons are prime candidates in the search for extraterrestrial life. One of the reasons is that they receive light and energy from the central star in their planetary system. They also shoot reflected radiation on the surface of their planets.

Although researchers have not yet identified specific moons where life might be hiding, they have now added 121 new places to begin research. Their next goal is to identify the best exoplanets with moons that could serve as a potential seat for exploring extraterrestrial life.

In this solar system alone, the giant gas moons are full of promise. Just recently, NASA confirmed that Saturn's moon Encelade is home to complex carbon-rich organic molecules that are essential to life.

Enceladus has long been known to house all the ingredients of life. Experts have every reason to believe that the moon has a vast ocean of water hidden beneath its surface in the south pole of the moon.

More than ten years ago, the Herschel Space Observatory of the European Space Agency observed giant plumes. spraying water in the atmosphere of the moon.

These suggest that hydrothermal vents exist deep in the underground ocean of Enceladus. On Earth, similar hydrothermal vents have created primordial bacteria that have become the first life forms on the planet.

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