Theresa May under pressure from Brexit as time presses


  • Theresa May is under pressure from Brexit

    Michel Barnier will brief ministers of European Union countries on the state of Brexit negotiations as internal pressure on Theresa May intensifies. [19659002]

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Michel Barnier will update his ministers of the nations the state of negotiations on Brexit as internal pressure on Theresa May intensifies.

Boris Johnson claimed that Ms. May was about to "surrender totally" to the EU on Brexit while he urged Cabinet to mutter itself against the Prime Minister's withdrawal program.

And another former Brexiteer minister, John Whittingdale, said It was hard to see how May's ministry could continue if MPs rejected any Brexit deal that she reported to Parliament.

The head of the Pro-Brexit Commons, Andrea Leadsom, added to the tension between conservatives, insisting that the UK could not be trapped. agreement without possibility of leaving at the time of his choice.

The Impact of the July Checkers' Summit Continues Four Months Later (Joel Rouse / Crown Copyright / PA

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Johnson, suggested that if Mrs May's draft concerning a customs agreement of support with the EU – aimed at preventing a hard border in Northern Ireland – be adopted, the UK could be reduced

When a scathing attack on Prime Minister's proposals on Tuesday, Johnson said May's agenda would see the UK "stay in captivity."

Mr. Johnson announced plans a support that would keep the UK in a customs union with the EU if no solution to the problem of the Irish border could be found would be worse than staying in the EU.

Ms. May is under the fire of both wings of the conservative party ur after the shocking resignation of the government of Jo's pro-European brother Jo, of Mr. Johnson, who also scathingly attacked the Prime Minister's attitude.

This decision allowed for the hypothesis that more ministers supporting President Remain in the referendum campaign could also leave power. .

Boris Johnson resigned as a result of the Brexit Cabinet session at Checkers in July and further details on this crucial meeting revealed that the rest of the ministers were also concerned.

Interior Minister, Sajid Javid, Secretary of Defense, Gavin Williamso n 1965, Mr. Javid described as "very disturbing" the proposal for a joint settlement with the government. EU for goods and agriculture, while Chancellor Philip Hammond has expressed concerns about the Checkers plan.

The member countries of the union would accept such a plan, said the broadcaster.

(PA Graphics)

In the Daily Telegraph, Mr Johnson wrote in the Daily Telegraph that even the government If the EU agreed to give in London a unilateral exit option, that would make no sense.

"The truth is that even if the Cabinet mutinies – as it should, it will make little difference.

" Even though we agree with the EU that the UK must have a unilateral break clause in order to be able to follow our own path in our time, this is irrelevant because the program and the government's ambition are to remain in captivity. , in our cell, even though we have the theoretical key to escape. "

Former Secretary of Culture, Mr. Whittingdale, said that Ms. May should leave if she could not get an agreement on Brexit in the Commons.

He told BBC The Westminster Radio 4 Hour: "I think that if the Prime Minister's Brexit plan does not go to Parliament, I think it's pretty hard to see how the Prime Minister can go on because she's bet on his credibility. "

State Secretary for Education, Justine Greening, stated that she did not think that the Checkers plan would pbad through a "blocked" Parliament.

Today of 1965 on the BBC Radio 4.

The hope of obtaining an agreement to be signed Tuesday by the Cabinet seemed to have quickly faded, but discussions continue in Brussels .

The apparent stalemate makes the task of the Prime Minister much more difficult. a special E Conference from November to November to settle the conditions of Brexit.

However, in front of the sign that Downing Street was trying to move the process forward, May's principal adviser, Older Robbins, met with counterparts in Brussels this weekend.

million. Barnier, the EU's chief negotiator for Brexit will address the ministers of the remaining 27 European countries at a meeting of the General Affairs Council in Brussels on Monday.

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