These bipedal robots walk easily on random terrains of stones


Having robots with legs that can navigate through rugged and unstructured terrain can certainly provide a lot of help to humans. If humans are exploiting this ability in bipedal robots, they can be of great help in disaster management, space exploration and even in the accomplishment of daily tasks at home. daily.

The Laboratories of the University of California, Berkeley and Carnegie The Mellon University has relied on the developments of non-linear control systems as well as on optimal control systems. With these advances, they demonstrated the ATRIAS robot capable of stepping on stepping stones, even if the stones were of different heights and placed randomly.

These legged robots can be considered more versatile than their counterparts on wheels that have trouble navigating through rough terrain. These robots face a number of challenges when they face a difficult terrain where they have to make sure that they have a stable balance or that they have to go up or down.

Quan Nguyen and Ayush Agrawal of Carnegie Mellon and UC Berkeley mention respectively why it is so difficult for them. They wrote: "Designing control algorithms that can handle discrete support points (such as rubble or stepping stones) is difficult because there are strict constraints on the placement of feet that can not be violated. complex dynamical equations governing the motion of these systems "[19659005Ilsontégalementmisenlumièrelafaçondontlesrobotspouvaientbougersurcestremplins"Depluscesrobotsne"know"pasàquoileterrainressembleraàl'advance;onnemontreaurobotquel'emplacementdel'étapesuivanteunscénarioquireprésentefidèlementcequ'unrobotpourraitrencontrerdanslemonderéel"have-ilsdit

L & # 39; study current, " Dynamic walking on a variable discrete terrain with the one-step preview" explores "the periodic optimization of the gait in two stages . "This study aims to understand the big changes in foot placement when a robot walks

<img clbad =" img-responsive "title =" Bipedal Dynamic Walking Robots "src =" /images/JUNE/sizes/bipedal-robots-02_resize_md.jpeg "alt =" These bipedal robots walk easily on random terrains 19659008] Source: UC Berkely

The research team is working on the development frames to give a high degree of freedom to these bipedal robots, so that their tracks are more accurate on rough terrain.

They also strive to make these robots more robust against external forces and uncertainties. To this end, Nguyen and Agrawal mentioned in the IEEE Spectrum: "We believe that it is the first time that stepping on dynamic springboards with simultaneous variations. The length of the steps and the height of the steps have been successfully demonstrated on a biped robot. "

With the experiments conducted with the ATRIAS robot, the future looks very promising.The researchers are trying to combine this new development with research on computer vision.

Thus, the robots currently considered as" "Blind" can also achieve a vision.In addition, it is planned to extend these experiments to 3D walking for robots in the real world.

These are interesting developments in science and technology that may change the face of our earth to a great extent.If these robots are well trained to cope with disasters or walk on the moon, this will prove to be a feat for mankind.

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