This is the story behind Vicky Kaushal's popular dialogue, "How is Josh?" From Uri: The Surgical Strike


  Vicky Kaushal

Actor Vicky Kaushal & nbsp | & nbspPhoto Photo: & nbspInstagram

Mumbai: Uri: Director of Surgical Strike, Aditya Dhar, says his popular dialogue "How's Josh?", raised by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his ministers, comes from a childhood memory. The film is based on the Indian army's surgical strikes in 2016 on terrorists' launch pads in Pakistan, in retaliation for the Uri attack that claimed the lives of 17 members of the USSR. # 39; army. The film stars Vicky Kaushal in the lead role.

Aditya reminded PTI: "I had some friends from the Defense, so with them I went to many Army clubs, there was one in Delhi where we had Used to go to Christmas or New Year's holidays. There was a retired brigadier who lined up all the children in front of him and had chocolate in his hand.

"He would say" How goes the Josh? and we had to answer by "big gentleman!" The kid who was the strongest had chocolate.As a gourmand, I was always the loudest and I always had chocolate, "said Aditya at PTI. This sentence acquired a life of its own, something that the director had never anticipated.

"I heard very few military, use the sentence.This is not something that is widely used.What I did was I used the line so in the film and it has now taken another scale. "When Aditya sat down to write Uri: The Surgical Strike, he knew he had to include the line.

"The line was there from the first throw.As a writer, we write according to our personal experiences, our memories.It is an amalgam of everything.I had the replica in my memory and it was the perfect film for its release. "The movie, released Jan. 11, has become a huge blockbuster, still running in packed halls and ready to join the ranks. Club of 200 crores.

For the beginner filmmaker, Aditya claims that the answer was "magical, gorgeous" and that the magnitude of the coming love was an unexpected thing by the team. The course of the film and its eventual success C is a legend for Aditya.

The director was working on Raat Baaki, who was supposed to stage the Pakistani actor Fawad Khan and Katrina Kaif, but the latter had to leave the project after the ban made to Pakistani artists to work in India . after the attacks of Uri

Aditya reverses the situation and makes a different film, which not only is successful at the box office, but also teaches him to use the unpredictability of the company in his favor . 19659004] "I learned in this industry Anyway, whatever the adversity, you simply have to push yourself and change the situation in your favor.When the surgical strikes took place and the artists Pakistani were banned, everyone was sad that our film was not made.

"I wanted to know what had happened during the attacks, because it sounded like a beautiful story. This change took place very quickly. This is the only way to survive in this industry, it is difficult, you have to be strong mentally. No, it does not matter, you must always keep the josh high, "he said.

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