This isolated Hawaiian island has been completely wiped off the map | Living


A Hawaiian island disappeared thanks to a powerful hurricane that swept the region earlier this month

. 19659003] The island of gravel and isolated sand is located at the top of a coral reef. The scientists captured images of the area where the 11-acre island once stood. He is now gone.

  • "I uttered a dirty word. I've had a moment of "sacred cow!", With a bit of disbelief as to its disappearance, "said Chip Fletcher, professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Hawaii. [19659003] Nathan Eagle, of Civil Beat, shared a before and after image on Twitter
  • How they found it: Fletcher and his fellow researchers set out to capture Images and samples of sand from the island to better understand its age.

    • "The island was probably between one and two thousand years old and we were there only in July, so it is rather unfortunate to lose it now, "said Fletcher," We wanted to monitor the island and we were disappointed with the loss, but we learned that these islands are much more threatened than we thought. would stay about a decade or two longer, but it's a lot more fragile than I think know, the top, the middle and the bottom are gone. "

    The Future: It is not known if the island will come back. [19659003] The seals and turtles that use the island have already left for the season. USA Today reports

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    Fletcher told HuffPost

    that such events could become more common.

    • "It is not surprising when you consider the misfortune of A hurricane sinking into this neighborhood and the rise in sea level have already constituted somehow the stress factor in the background ecosystems, "he said. "The likelihood of such events occurring increases with climate change."
    Herb Scribner, Deseret News

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