This quantum accelerometer can replace GPS


GPS has been shown to be an important element of modern technology, whether it be a portable GPS, car navigation or drones. However, there are many situations in which getting a GPS is not possible, because of factors such as high-rise buildings that block the signals that make GPS work. GPS can also be blocked or blocked deliberately, thus preventing it from working properly.

  This quantum accelerometer can replace the GPS "title =" This quantum accelerometer can replace the GPS "data-cl-slideshow =" "data-cl-title =" This quantum accelerometer can replace the GPS "data-cl-description = "" data-cl-imageid = "55296-0" src = "/ img / loading.gif" onload = "pagespeed .lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this); "onerror =" this.onerror = null; pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this); "/> </figure>
<p>  To find an alternative, a researcher at Imperial College developed The National Quantum Technologies Showcase presented what is called" autonomous quantum accelerometer. "</p>
<p>  An accelerometer is a tool that can measure the evolution of the speed of an object over time.used in smartphones.The location of an object can be determined d if the position of Origin and speed are known, but the problem with accelerometers is that over time accuracy is also compromised without an external reference for recalibration, which also means that they are not a very good alternative when A specificity of location is required, such as navigation. </p>
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The new quantum accelerometer, meanwhile, offers a high level of accuracy.It measures the movement of super-cold atoms, which are cooled to such an extent that they are beginning to show quantum behavior: they are both particles and waves.

moving waves. This means that new tools can measure motion in the space in a very precise way.

However, the device is too large to fit in a small space, but it could be useful for use on ships and trains requiring accurate navigation GPS is not available. The big size lies in the powerful lasers needed to cool atoms enough for the accelerometer to work.

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