This superboss inspired his employees to lose weight with his incredible weight loss journey.


There is a reason why losing weight is considered a shattering journey. In this process, not only do you completely transform your own life, but you can also bring magic and joy into someone else's life by providing him with the inspiration he so badly needs.

The Beginnings

The story of Sandeep Aggarwal, founder and CEO of an online market, is encouraging and comforting in equal parts. Born and raised in Chandigarh, he moved to the United States to complete his graduate studies and work in various global technology giants.

After living there for 15 years, he returned to India to build his own empire and undertake his entrepreneurial adventure.

Growing up, Sandeep had always been a sports enthusiast. Not only did he enjoy participating in various games, but he also played cricket professionally at the under-18 level.

The Lifestyle Shift

While he was maintaining his lean physique until the age of 25, it was his incredibly busy schedule that ended up having a detrimental effect on his physical and mental health. Although the weight gain was not obvious, he continued to gain a few pounds here and there, but he went from 67 lean and healthy pounds to 96 pounds. In the end, the stress of building 2 companies saved him 20 pounds at the same time.

The Revealer

Sandeep explained, "Even though I tried to control my weight briefly, I was unable to do it completely. From professional obligations to family problems that went through my head, I had a lot to do. The worst thing was that I continued to apologize and justify my way of life. I did not feel fit and healthy anymore. "

The turning point

In the end, on November 1, 2018, he realized that weighing so much was no longer acceptable to him. For someone who has always been very energetic, overweight had begun to hinder his daily work.

In addition, his growing weight also began to weigh on his level of confidence, the size of his clothes increasing every six months.

The changes

About the three major lifestyle changes he made, Sandeep said, "First, I hired a personal trainer and decided to attend at least 22 workouts by month. Previously, I had 12 clbades a month and I was just 6-7. "


The training consists of cardio training, bodybuilding and trunk strengthening. He says, "As I like to run, I make sure to run at least once a day and hit the treadmill when running outside is not possible. Now I can walk 10 to 12 kilometers without taking a break, while I was out of breath after climbing a flight of stairs. "

  This superboss inspired his employees to lose weight with his incredible weight loss journey

The Diet

The CEO told the Times of India that he is taking care of his diet with the help of a professional dietician. His daily diet looks like this:

After waking up

Sandeep begins his day with a glbad of water containing 3 cloves soaked overnight. This helps start the day by eliminating toxins.

After half an hour, he drinks 1 cup of Indian masala tea.


For his breakfast, he can combine one of the following choices. Some of them are:

1. A multigrain roast / wheat and an egg white omelette

2. A bowl of poha

3. Besan ka chila with mint green sauce

Mid-morning snack

A bowl of seasonal fruit.


For lunch, it has one of the following combinations:

1. A bowl of vegetables with 1 chapati

2. Salad and pasta (without cream)

3. 250 grams of chicken / fish or 8 pieces of sushi

Half an hour after lunch, he takes a cup of green tea.

Mid-evening snack

To reduce his cravings, he drinks either coconut water or a cup of Indian masala tea with two oatmeal and honey biscuits.


Sandeep usually tries to keep his dinner light and healthy. He would ensure that he eats his dinner before 8:30 pm. His dinner usually consists of a bowl of salad or a bowl of soup.

30 minutes after his dinner, he takes a cup of green tea.

Cheating meal

He does not believe in the concept of cheating days. Instead, he likes to gorge himself on chhole bhature and kachori once a week. However, he is also careful to bring with him a mixture of seeds, nuts and dried fruits to reduce cravings and avoid unhealthy snacks.

Losing weight to motivate others

From a flawless dedication to getting back into shape and making fitness an important part of his lifestyle, Sandeep realized that he was not feeling full though. even missed one of his workouts.

The biggest step in her journey is the fact that her quest for weight loss has inspired many of her colleagues and employees to pay attention to their own lifestyle and their health.

Inspired by his unwavering dedication to his health, many of his employees began following the same path. In less than six months, many of his workers lost a lot of weight and gave him a source of inspiration.

After opening a gym in the office, conducting zumba and yoga clbades, converting a badminton court roof into a separate food counter for health enthusiasts at parties, as CEO and leader, Sandeep he was sure that he was developing a proper culture. in the office that will help those who are trying to stay healthy.

I still have miles to sleep …

Sandeep Aggarwal, who is slender and weighs 79 kilograms, is still looking to lose a kilo or two to reach his goal of ideal weight. So, if you are someone who has been procrastinating at the gym or going for a walk every day and who blames your busy routine for the same, let Sandeep's motivational story be your guide. In the end, it all depends on your willpower and the hard work you are willing to put into your quest.

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