This YouTube channel traces the battle of PewDiePie's subscribers against T-Series


The battle between PewDiePie and T-Series for the "Most Subscribed" YouTube channel continues, several months after the coronation of a new champion.

The Bollywood T-Series music channel was to override PewDiePie as the most subscribed. YouTube channel in October. However, online rivalry between the two sides persists in part thanks to FlareTV, a one year old account broadcasting an uninterrupted stream that tracks the number of subscribers to the PewDiePie and T series channels.

Since September 1, 2018, FlareTV's broadcast feed has been fueling the flames of the subscriber race between supporters of the two main YouTube channels. Thousands of people watch the stream at any time.

The simple streaming video of FlareTV offers nothing more than to update the subscriber numbers for each channel, while the PewDiePie song on T-Series, a rap song entitled "Bitch Lasagna" , explodes in a loop. . The most important metric is perhaps the one shown in the lower thirds of the video: a separate ticker displaying the current gap between subscribers between PewDiePie and T-Series. When this number decreases, the PewDiePie Vs. T-Series is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of viewers.

"The first time the subscriber gap reached about 20,000 subscribers between PewDiePie and T-Series, the live stream had more than 70,000 viewers," said the creators of the Mashable channel. "It was at its highest point."

The creators of FlareTV did not disclose their identity, but confirmed to Mashable that there are two account holders. also made possible through a partnership with a private server company hosting the feed, as well as a small team of writers and designers.

FlareTV 24/7's YouTube feed has created a competitive atmosphere around social media statistics for fans of both channels

"Meanwhile, live chat users invited other viewers to share the live stream and tell others to subscribe to PewDiePie" , said the creators. "We believe that the live broadcast has significantly contributed to the gain of PewDiePie subscribers."

In YouTube chat, the majority of viewers applaud PewDiePie and share their concern when the gap between T-Series subscribers are starting to shrink. Although FlareTV is aware of the favoritism of its viewers towards PewDiePie, the channel claims that it is impartial between the two rival chains.

"In August, we realized that PewDiePie could be overtaken by T-Series," the channel said. Creators of FlareTV. "At the time, there was no live stream or video well known on the subject. So we created the stream as soon as possible in order to give the fans of both channels a platform to express their support. "

PewDiePie and The T series is a product of rivalry, accumulating millions of dollars. subscribers every month since Felix Kjellberg (aka PewDiePie) sparked the quarrel with a video warning his viewers that the T series was catching up with his subscriber count. In the last month alone, each channel has gained about 5 million new subscribers.

But this is not the only YouTube channel to have benefited from the quarrel.

"Before the stream, the videos were sometimes downloaded and the channel only grew by 200 to 300 subscribers a day," said the creators of FlareTV. When we started the live stream, FlareTV had about 12,000 subscribers. "

" Since then we have grown to over 1,000,000 subscribers "they said." Today, the channel is growing by about 5,000 subscribers a day, with some peak days recording a gain greater than 20,000 subscribers. "

FlareTV was viewed approximately 116 million times and lasted more than 100 days before being removed by YouTube's copyright system following a" copyright "strike. Accidental author. "

" The supplier has canceled the strike and the live stream has been restored, "says FlareTV.

The channel is also monetized, according to FlareTV, but the team would not disclose the revenue channel. However, the SocialBlade social badytics site indicates that the channel could now generate at least six digits per year. The account also earns revenue from YouTube's "Super Chat" feature, which allows viewers to pay to highlight their comments on the live chat.

Fans of Felix Kjellberg, aka PewDiePie, continue to rally behind him so that he can continue to reign. channel subscribed on YouTube. The designer has now spent more than 5 years at the top of the platform.

While the feud PewDiePie vs. T-Series is approaching its sixth month, it is clear that the clash between the two channels will not end until the number of subscribers will be significantly exceeded.

"We had no set time to finish the flow when we started it, but we'd never thought it would last that long," said L & # 39; 39, FlareTV team.

At the time of publication, more than 6,000 users of the FlareTV training track barely 7,000 subscribers = https% 3a% 2f% 2fblueprint api production.s3.amazonaws "src =" https: //mondrian.mashable .com / uploads 252Fvideo_uploaders%%% 252Fdistribution_thumb 252Fimage% 252F90247% 252F9806b93d-820e-4fd3-b9f7-4915142feaec.jpg% 252Foriginal.jpg? 0fYbz6R8OXOPjP9bhr8hkHLusxA signing = = & source = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws .com "data-fragment =" m! 9f85 "data-image =" Sign in with Facebook Sign in with Google n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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