Tom Holland, star of "Spider-Man", shares an embarrassing moment and arouses unexpected reactions from his fans


Tom Holland star of Spider-Man is pretty much the adorable goof of the stars of Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not only is he a danger to spoilers, but he also addresses social media frequently with publications that indicate the different ways he's messed up, who needs help, or who's in trouble. other shenanigans, such as interacting with memes about himself. However, one of those self-disparaging tweets sparked a surprising response from fans.

On Sunday, Holland asked Twitter to be called for doing something senseless – in this case, he was accidentally showering himself with his AirPods. Although he does not explicitly note that the expensive Apple wireless headphones have been ruined, the water and technology do not usually get along well, which could have adverse consequences for the AirPods . However, it is not the careless Dutch who attract the attention of the fans. Instead of being charmed by the actor 's blunder, many claim it for "flexion" by the post office.

I just had a shower by accident with my AirPods. A nice companion

– Tom Holland (@ TomHolland1996) 24 March 2019

If you are not sure what we mean by "flex", the term is used to describe any act of showing your valuables humbly. For many fans, when Holland specifically said that it was his AirPods he was wearing in the shower, he did not humbly point out that he could afford headphones, expensive items that had just debuted in a second edition (AirPods 2) and according to the apple can cost up to 200 dollars.

Fans should not be surprised that Holland can afford to buy AirPods. He is a key player in the success of the MCU with Spider-Man: Far From Home coming out this summer. He has also just appeared in the directors' new film Avengers: Endgame Cherry . As such, some fans thought the "flex" was pretty funny. Others did not seem to think it was a particularly positive gesture on his part, and still others found it funny that Holland had done something as silly as taking a shower with his headphones, but most of the time, it was less the error of Holland. and more so not so humble boastful that attracted the attention of the fans.

Want to see how fans reacted to Holland's "flex"? Read on to find out about our favorite reactions and be sure to join yours in the comments below.

Captain Marvel is currently in the theater. It will be followed by Avengers: Endgame April 26 and Spider-Man: Away from Home on July 5.


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