Top 5: Oh Baby gets his first solo hit for Samantha


  Top 5: Oh Baby wins her first solo hit for Samantha

1) Oh Baby: Samantha's popularity and stardom are fully exposed at the box office while Oh Baby did shake the windows during his first weekend. [19659003] The film has surpbaded half a million dollars in the United States and continues to be excellent. He had a fabulous first weekend in the centers and multiplexes A.

Positive word-of-mouth ensured a good first weekend at Oh Baby at the box office.

This is also Samantha's first solo hit, which pbades a memorable phase an actor.

2) Spiderman: Away from Home: Spiderman's new film had a sensational first weekend across India, and its doubled version in Telugu also sparked good reactions in the world. States of Telugu.

recorded the second best opening for a Hollywood film in India this year.

His Nett collections across India during his first weekend were Rs. 46.66 Crore, which is prodigious.

3) Brochevarevarura: Brochevarevarura continued to perform well despite the new releases.

The short film has also had great success in the markets of AP, Nizam and abroad. Sri Vishnu has finally achieved notable success as the lead.

4) Burrakatha: The film not only opened terrible criticism, it also disappointed the few spectators who had seen it the first weekend.

There will remain another forgettable film for the troubled young actor.

5) Agent Sai Srinivasa Atreya: The film proved to be a surprise hit of the season.

Directed on a serious ASSA held its budget and with a cast of stars largely unknown, because of its strong content and its good marketing.

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