Top of IIT-Hyderabad: 294 seats filled in phase 1 | Hyderabad News


HYDERABAD: The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Hyderabad was the hot choice among the new IITs this year with admissions opening to all ranks (AIR) 445 in Computer Science – rising AIR 522 last year.

In the first phase of the allocation of seats, published Wednesday by the Joint Authority Allocation of Seats, up to 294 seats were awarded to the IIT- Hyderabad, the best rankings opting for the computer and electrical engineering. According to the figures, 49 seats were awarded in computer science, 35 in chemical engineering, 40 in civil engineering, 47 in electrical engineering and 48 in mechanical engineering, among others.

"Our new infrastructure with hostels and university buildings as well as extensive research and development activities seem to have attracted qualified candidates to the majority.The fractal program run by the institute can also be attributed to the Increased student interest in IIT Hyderabad, "said Professor UB Desai, director of IIT-Hyderabad.

The fractal program run by IIT-Hyderabad offers more academic flexibility to students. The core of the fractal academics is that the width courses are one credit, while the depth courses are usually 1.5 to 2.5 credits. "Essentially, we atomize the academic curriculum, offering a more holistic education and, in the long run, giving students the choice to design their curriculum," reads the IIT-Hyderabad course booklet.

Among the many fractal programs offered by the institute are the introduction to filmmaking, photojournalism, mobile applications, innovation, entrepreneurship and the like. medical device industry, etc.

In order to provide girls with 14% of places in each course, 50 places were awarded to women candidates with an opening rank of 1,247 in computer science and a ranking of 1,368 in computer science.

The institute has 1900 students and 160 faculty members with a ratio of 12: 1. The IIT have allocated more seats than the total capacity of last year to meet the criteria of 14 % from the program.

In total, about 1.3 million lakh candidates completed their choices through the Joint Authority Allocation Authority and their total number of choices was about 2 crore.

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