Tragedy strikes the doctor of Kashmir – NATIONAL


Braving a heavy downpour, Abdul Gani Poswal, a doctor from the Pulwama District Hospital, was joined Saturday by hundreds of local people while he was lowering the body of his teenage son in the falls.

of duty, the doctor said Friday that his 15-year-old son, Faizan, had been "brought dead" to the hospital after desperate attempts to revive him.

A senior doctor, who was present at Pulwama Hospital on Friday, told
The Hindu
that a flood of patients with gunshot and bullet wounds began to pour in immediately after the start of the meeting at Thumna village, district, in the afternoon

. Poswal also cared for many wounded and recommended transferring some patients to Srinagar hospitals for specialized treatment. However, when Faizan, a clbad 10 student, was brought with gunshot wounds on his upper body, the doctor made repeated offers "to revive his son"

"After repeated failed attempts , the father said his son. "dead", recalled his colleague. "The father stands close to the body for a moment and then covers his son's face." A shroud.

Faizan was shot in the chest while clashes erupt in parts of Pulwama.

A Srinagar police spokesman said Saturday that only one militant was killed in the Pulwama meeting on Friday, and not three as we said earlier.

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