Tristan Thompson Unravels Kim Kardashian on Instagram after being called to Khloe's party


In a less than subtle social media game, Tristan Thompson unblocked Kim Kardashian on Instagram – but only after literally calling for Khloé Kardashian's birthday party. In true Kardashian fashion, she recorded everything on her Instagram story. That means that she and Thompson are fine now is still in debate, but at least they are back to being friends of social media.

According to People Kim said in her Instagram story, "Alright guys, what do you think? It's Khloe's birthday, should I ask this guy to unlock me? "

This was the first time Kim had confirmed that Thompson had blocked her. (She was referring to it during an appearance in May 1945. Live With Kelly & Ryan Thompson reportedly laughed and replied, "For Khloe's birthday, it's fair," he said, "I got you."

"Was that a yes?" Kim replied, "Sí. 19659002] So Kim continued to document her change Instagram status on his phone, to be blocked to be followed.Thomas said after Kim again, "There is no return now," but it is quite easy to block somebody. one on social media in less than five seconds, if he ever wanted to again.

Kim Kardashian / Instagram Story

Later during the birthday party, it was revealed (again, via Kim's story) that Thompson had also blocked the two long-time friends of Khloe, Malika and Khadijah Haqq, it is unclear whether he followed them too.

Earlier in the day, Kim posted a touching Instagram wishing Khloe happy birthday. She has captioned it,

Happy birthday to one of my favorite souls on this planet! @khloekardashian This year, you showed strength like no other. I admire you forever to follow your heart. I like to see you as a mom and I can not wait for years to come. Let's celebrate today! I love you forever!

Although it seems like Kim is working to repair his relationship with Thompson, things were pretty hostile for a moment after the news broke that Thompson would have cheated on Khloé while she was pregnant with her child. Bustle had reached out to their two representatives to comment on the rumors, but did not receive an answer.

Despite the fact that the majority of the Kardashian clan remained silent about allegations of cheating in the days following the birth of Khloe's child, Kim denounced her actions in front of Ellen DeGeneres during her show (as see the video below).

For DeGeneres, Kim said, "I do not even know how to describe it, it's as if I found it … We were really rooting for Khloe and we were are still, and she is so strong, she does it's really a very sad situation … I've sort of made this rule with my brother [Rob]: if there is a baby involved, i'm going to keep it cute and keep it clbady and do not talk too bad i'll try to say nothing if negative, [because] someday, true will see that … you know, that's so messed up, so I can just help Khloe. "

As for Khloe herself, she has kept an incredibly low profile since the news of the cheating of Thompson was announced, immediately after which she had her baby, even though she still has nothing Published on social media with Thompson as a result of the birth of their daughter, her first Instagram, after the birth of True, was one of inclusivity and love.

She wrote: "Our little girl, True Thompson, has completely stolen our heart and we are overwhelmed with LOVE, such a blessing to welcome this angel into the family! Mom and dad are sending the real one!"

Publisher's rating: This story was updated from the original version to include photos.

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