Trump and the new head of Mexico, both stubborn, begin with a "good conversation"


Enrique Peña Nieto, the outgoing Mexican president, objected to the construction of a wall – and insisted that Mexico would not pay it if it was built – but tried repeatedly to avoid diplomatic confrontations with his American counterpart. Mr López Obrador is sure to be less restrained. In a speech last year, he criticized Mr. Trump's government.

"When they want to build a wall to separate populations, or when the word" alien "is used to insult, denigrate and discriminate against our fellow men," López Obrador's initial reaction will be to try to find a way to to work with Trump rather than attack Trump, "said Jorge Guajardo, a former Mexican diplomat who served in the United States and China." If there is a cold in the relationship, it will be on Trump. If he does, López Obrador will easily escape from the United States. "

Diplomatic and financial relations between Mexico and the United States are profound, and the two have quietly continued to work together on a series of critical issues for their mutual welfare, including security, trade and commerce. and migration: this should continue despite the seismic change of the Mexican leadership.

Canada's Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland was also optimistic about the ongoing negotiations on NAFTA on Friday, saying the talks were going to "really move up a gear" now that the Mexican elections were over.

But with major hurdles left and time for Congress to reach an agreement, trade experts say negotiations are likely to continue in 2019. In an interview broadcast Sunday on Fox News, Mr. Trump He said that he wanted to wait to conclude the 3 9, after the mid-term elections.

"I could sign it tomorrow, but I'm not happy," said Trump. "I want to make it more just, O.K.?""19659008,Äù19459005] [ad_2]
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