Trump denies having the intention to withdraw from the WTO


President Donald Trump denied on Friday that he was considering withdrawing the United States from the World Trade Organization

"I'm not talking about resigning," he told reporters. Air Force One reporters. planned an exit from the world trade body

. Trump called the WTO a "disaster" and flouted international trade standards by hitting its key allies with pungent tariffs and charging crushing costs on Chinese goods in the name of US national security.

U.S. The Axios information website quoted sources saying that Mr. Trump had repeatedly told his senior officials that he wanted to leave the world, which Washington helped design and most often reigns in favor of the United States when Washington carries business in front of him.

Steven Mnuchin said earlier that it would be "exaggerated" to say that Mr. Trump is considering leaving the WTO. "I will not use our favorite word on the fake news, but it's an exaggeration," Mr. Mnuchin told Fox Business Television

"The president has been clear with us and with d & # 39; 39 others he has concerns about the WTO.Although Mr. Trump complains that China and others have used the WTO system to their advantage, "we are focused on free trade "and" by removing barriers ", he added Mnuchin said.

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