The people of Lexington, Virginia, give their opinion after the owner of the "Red Hen" in Lexington asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave.
Camille Fine, United States TODAY & # 39; HUI

From the eviction of Sarah Sanders spokeswoman for the Red Hen restaurant to a Senate intern shouting the "word" to the president, a number of Trump administration officials have been disrespected or harbaded by the political opponents in recent days.

The lack of civility towards those who work in the White House, combined with the often rude language of the president himself, has heightened fears that mutual tolerance among the political opponents that form the basis of American democracy is eroding. .

These concerns grew when Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., Urged activists to continue tracking down Trump Cabinet members where and when they find them. Calls from a congressman to incite voters to confront officials were too much for his party's own leadership. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and minority leader Nancy Pelosi of D-Calif., Rejected Waters' remarks and Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan apologized.

Here is an overview of the personalities who serve President Donald Trump, who took pains for their work at the White House while they were not acting in their official roles.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds: Is America heading for a civil war? Sanders, Nielsen incidents show that it has already begun

Our point of view: The mess of the red hen feeds the inconvenient era of Donald Trump

Opposite view: The owner of the red chicken is right. Stop defending the decorum and do something for Donald Trump.

Stephen Miller

Protesters converged Monday to the home of White House advisor Stephen Miller in downtown Washington to denounce Miller's role as one of the architects of "zero tolerance" immigration policy. of the administration.

More: Stephen Miller's D.C. houses a target of immigration policy

Kirstjen Nielsen

The secretary of the Department of Homeland Security was confronted with songs of "shame!" while she was trying to dine at an upscale Mexican restaurant in Washington in the turmoil of the administration's policy of separating migrant families accused of illegally crossing the southern border.

More: Protesters Face Homeland Security Chief Kirstjen Nielsen at Mexican Restaurant

Mike Pence

Pence, who has never really been considered an ally of the LBGTQ community, was hailed by an exhibition of rainbow flags by several of his new neighbors when he arrived in Washington as vice-president. elected president.

More: Pence D.C.'s neighbors greet him with gay-pride flags

Sarah Sanders

A restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, created a national fury on Friday when restaurant owner Red Hen asked the White House press secretary to leave his establishment because of Sanders' role in the administration. Since the incident, the small town of Shenandoah Valley has been shaken, and the owner of Red Hen, Stephanie Wilkinson, resigned Tuesday from a group of local businesses because of controversy.

More: Lexington overwhelmed by protests after Sanders visits Red Hen

Donald Trump

OK, Trump was acting officially when a Senate trainee shouted "Mr. President, (expletive) you!" to him on the other side of the Capitol Rotunda. But the incident makes the list because: 1) The President is never really at work, and 2) The incident has shown a dramatic break with the standards of respect and civility usually manifested by Congressional staff members to elected officials.

More: Senator Maggie Hbadan Suspends Trainee for Culling Vulgarity to President Trump

Ivanka Trump

The presidential advisor and the eldest daughter were described as "unscrupulous" by comedian Samantha Bee during a monologue on Bee's "Full Frontal" show on the separation of migrant families.

More: Trump wonders why the host "without talent" has not been fired; Samantha Bee, TBS excuses

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