Trump plans a reshuffle of White House staff and homeland security


WASHINGTON – President Trump is currently working on redesigning his office and staff, while Trump family members are striving to leave a fingerprint on staff decisions after a deadly election cycle mid-term, said several people familiar with the discussions. Tuesday

Mr. It is almost certain that Trump will dismiss Kirstjen Nielsen, the country's Secretary of Homeland Security, who has long been the target of the president's displeasure, said three close to the president. Mr. Trump referred to the dismissal of Ms. Nielsen prior to her trip to Paris for a commemoration of the First World War.

But sending Ms. Nielsen back to the White House is also seen as a way for him to drive out whites. The Chief of Staff of the House, John F. Kelly, without firing him directly. Nick Ayers, Chief of Staff to Vice President Mike Pence, has long been considered a possible replacement for Mr. Kelly's departure.

Another head of the administration, Mira Ricardel, a foreign policy politician who has served as a deputy to National Security Adviser John R. Bolton, should be removed from office after the first lady, Melania Trump, complained to Mr. Kelly about this, according to someone familiar with the situation.

Ricardel, who previously worked at the Pentagon and Capitol Hill, denigrated two members of Ms. Trump's staff during the first lady's trip to to Africa last month, the official said. Ricardel is also reported to have been in trouble with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis over issues of Pentagon politics and personnel.

Ricardel's name remained on the list of people attending an official White House event in the afternoon.

But in a very unusual statement on issues pertaining to West Wing personnel, a spokeswoman for the First Lady, Stephanie Grisham, went to Mrs. Ricardel. "The office of the First Lady believes that she no longer deserves the honor of serving at the White House," said Ms. Grisham.

With regard to the role of chief of staff, Mr. Ayers is favored by Mr. Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and his daughter Ivanka Trump, both of whom are West Wing advisors. Trump's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., told friends that he considered Mr. Ayers as "competent", a stamp that the Trump family has not always affixed on people working for his father.

Ayers did not travel as originally planned with Mr. Pence on his official trip to Asia this week, said two White House officials. And another future chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, who already heads two agencies and who was seen as campaigning for the West Wing post, told his aides that he was more interested.

among the members of the Trump family or their allies, the President is concerned that Mr. Ayers' role is being badigned to this position and have warned that some staff members may be leaving their posts because of this. Trump hates interpersonal confrontation, and he often leaves collaborators who would not like to stay in their positions for uncomfortably long periods of time, which means that changes could still occur within a few weeks, warned the relatives of the president. And the name of Mr. Ayers has already been mentioned as Kelly's successor, but he has disappeared because Mr. Kelly remained in office.

But Ms. Nielsen was a target of Mr. Trump's anger for many months, mainly on the "zero tolerance" immigration policy of his administration and on his belief that he was "out of control." she did not implement it effectively.

Trump and Mr. Kelly came up with a plan earlier this year to allow Mr. Kelly to stay in his post after the 2020 election, but the President privately told allies that he did not would not bet that his chief of staff would stay that long. The Washington Post first reported that Ms. Nielsen could leave soon. A White House spokesperson did not respond to an email asking for comments.

Kelly often defended Ms. Nielsen from the president and protected her from other cabinet members when she was attacked by them.

Among Mr. Trump's allies, his views and treatment of Ms. Nielsen were described as unfair. . The president mocked her service in the George W. Bush administration and questioned her loyalty.

In the Department of Homeland Security, some employees said they believed for months that Ms. Nielsen was about to leave.

Employees say that Ms. Nielsen had trouble explaining to the White House the complexity of border security. An employee said Ms. Nielsen had even rejected many of the measures suggested by immigration extremists, although she had continued her efforts to limit immigration through other controversial policies. The last attempt is a proposal that would deny asylum to anyone illegally arrived in the country.

Employees believe that Ms. Nielsen's fate has been sealed by the publication of agency data on border surveillance over the past two months.

Last week, Customs and Border Protection released data showing a record number of 23,121 people traveling to families who surrendered or were arrested by police officers. border patrol. Families are increasingly the largest part of the population captured at the border and most are from Central America counties of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. In September, nearly 16,658 family-owned individuals were apprehended at the border, prompting the Trump administration to call the increase of migrants a crisis and a threat to national security.

Although the total number of people apprehended at the border remains at the lowest, Trump administration is increasingly frustrated by the increasing number of families traveling to the United States

. The badistant secretary position of the agency remains vacant since the departure of Elaine Duke in April. The White House has not designated a substitute.

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