Trump-Putin: US President invites Russia's leader to Washington


  US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands at their meeting in Helsinki, Finland, July 16, 2018

. Finland in July

President Donald Trump has invited his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, to visit Washington next year, said US National Security Advisor John Bolton.

It is unclear whether Mr. Putin accepted the invitation.

met several times on the sidelines of international meetings but held only one bilateral summit in Helsinki in July

. They should meet briefly in Paris next month to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War.

This invitation comes as relations between the two countries were tense.

million. Bolton went to Moscow earlier this week to present the US draft withdrawal of the 1987 Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty – a historic nuclear deal. [19659007] Russia denies Washington's allegations that it violated the treaty and warned that its withdrawal would be a "dangerous step".

US special investigators also examine alleged interference by Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

US intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia is seeking to influence the election in favor of President Trump. Russia rejects the allegations and Mr Trump denies any collusion.

Earlier this month, the US government indicted a Russian woman for her alleged role in a Kremlin-backed campaign to influence congressional elections at mid-term next month.

The July meeting in the Finnish capital was particularly marked for Mr Trump who appeared to question his own administration's claims that Russia had been ingested in the 2016 elections.

  • What were the spinoffs of Helsinki?

This prompted Mr. Trump to rarely confess that he had been deceived.

After this meeting The White House declared that President Trump had invited Mr. Putin to Washington in the fall.

However, this decision was withdrawn due to an apparent lack of Kremlin enthusiasm and claims in the United States that Trump was trying to be too comfortable with the Russian leader.

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