Trump Rattles Hours of Britain after troubling NATO


That being said, he added: "NATO continues."

The content of the meeting, he and others said, is in the release. This document, the fruit of nearly a year of work, commits the alliance to a stronger deterrence against Russia, more efforts on cybersecurity, a strengthening of the strategy south of the world. alliance and a new training program for Iraq, Tunisia and Libya. He also called on countries to devote at least 20% of their military budgets to equipment and modernization.

The United States pays 22% of the NATO budget, including offices, salaries and some common equipment. According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, of the $ 603 billion that the United States spends each year on the military, about $ 31 billion is destined for Europe.

Finally, some badysts criticized Mr. Trump for inventing a "NATO has always had a good story to tell at this summit, the release reflecting a strong and resilient alliance that is making real progress on a a series of challenges. "said Amanda Sloat, a former state department official now at the Brookings Institution. "Trump's tweets and mocking taunts have unfortunately eclipsed what should have been a simple message of success."

Thursday's drama in Brussels focused on Trump's desire to make noise for his political base, Sloat said. "Some say that there was a victory for Trump, that he realized what he wanted, but that's not true," she said. "It's not helpful to create all that noise, it divides incredibly."

It's good to push for more defense spending, but the allies are not like trading partners, she said. "You can not annoy Germany one day and then ask for something else," she said. "Actions and rhetoric have consequences: blowing up summits and projecting disunity does not help credibility."

Then Mr. Trump moved to Britain.

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