Trump vows 'extraordinary relationship' with Putin as the summit opens


Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin embarked on a historic summit on Monday promising their willingness to forge a resetting of troubled relations between the world's largest nuclear powers.

Trump, determined to forge a personal connection with the Kremlin leader despite allegations of Russia's interference in US politics, went to the summit accusing the "stupidity" of his predecessors of having bridged their current stockings. some introductory remarks to the press at the beginning of their summit in Helsinki

. Mr Putin, congratulated by Mr Trump and other world leaders for the success of the World Cup in Russia, said: "It is time to speak in a substantive way about our relations and the problematic areas of the world. world". [19659002BeforetwooftheleadershipswerestartedforthefirsttimebetweenthemselvesandtheirinterpreterstheTrumpadecommissionthatwouldcover"allmilitarycurbspbadingbythemissilesluclearandChina"

along the last number of years. And I really think the world wants us to hear. We are the two great nuclear powers, "he said.

" I have not been here for too long [as president] it's approaching two years, but we're going to have an awesome relationship, I'm going to ; hope. "

Shortly before the opening of the summit, Mr Trump was asked when he urged Putin to manipulate Russia for the 2016 election that had brought to power the Real estate mogul He said only: "We will do very well."

Many American critics had asked for the cancellation of the summit after further revelations surrounding the presumed electoral interference.

But Mr Trump insisted that it is "a good thing to meet", while he tries to reproduce with Mr Putin the kind of personal rapport he proclaims with the autocratic rulers of China and North Korea

If the couple finds a common ground, the summit risks escaping the most dangerous conflicts in the world, including Syria. 19659002] But there are many points of friction that could ruin Mr. Trump's expected friendship c the former KGB spymaster

. Trump began the day by pulling a Twitter over his domestic opponents, accusing the diplomatic cold of the investigation into the alleged interference of the Russian elections.

"Our relationship with Russia has never been worse thanks to many years of American stupidity and stupidity." Mr. Trump tweeted:

The Russian Foreign Ministry tweeted in response: " We agree. "

Trump's American opponents tried, in turn, to gain ground for the hashtag #BAF (Blame America First

" False News "

After a Stormy NATO summit in Brussels last week, Mr Trump was accused by critics of getting closer to Mr Putin while undermining the transatlantic alliance.

President Sauli Niinisto, he insisted on the fact that NATO "has never been stronger" and "has never been more together" thanks to its insistence that all allies pay their fair share.

Trump, an impetuous billionaire of 72 years, was president for 18 months while Mr. Putin (65 years), directs the in Russia for 18 years.

In a weekend interview with CBS News, Trump admitted that Russia remains an enemy, but has put Moscow on the same level as China and the European Union as economic and diplomatic rivals.

The Kremlin also downplayed the hope that the outgoing couple will emerge from its first summit in one-on-one.

On Friday, Putin's adviser Yuri Ushakov said: "The state of bilateral relations is very bad … We must start to settle them properly."

Indeed, after the bad temperament NATO summit and a controversial trip from Mr. Trump to Britain, anxious European leaders may be relieved if little things come out of the meeting in Helsinki

These leaders are already furious with the imposition of trade tariffs by Mr. Trump on various countries, including Russia.

Turning the tables, President of the European Union, Donald Tusk, said Trump was guilty of "spreading false news" with his remark about enemies, and warned that trade tensions could escalate. turn into violent "conflict and chaos". "19659002" Europe and China, America and Russia, today in Beijing and Helsinki, are jointly responsible for the improvement of the world order, not its destruction, "he tweeted [19659003] "I hope this message will reach Helsinki. "

Protesters went to the streets of Helsinki to denounce Trump and Mr. Putin Greenpeace draped a giant banner in a church steeple, exhorting:" Heat our hearts and not our planet. "

Abandoning the land?

Mr Trump is also under pressure from Britain for Mr Putin to be poisoned by the poisoning of four people in the south of the country. 39, England

One of the victims, Dawn Sturgess, died and her son Ewan Hope, 19. Mirror: "We must get justice for my mother."

Many fear that Mr. Trump – in his eagerness to prove that he was right to seek the top despite the American political opposition – could yield too much ground.

Mr. Trump refused to personally engage in the refusal of the United States to recognize the annexation of Crimea by Russia, leaving open the ossibility of a decline related to the promise of Putin to curb the Iranian influence in Syria.

Russia's land grab in 2014 would break with decades of US policy and send jolts across the exposed eastern flank of NATO

and Mr. Trump will not feel indignant at home if Mr Putin does not face the electoral scandal. ] But the US leader will not say he will request the extradition of 12 Russian intelligence officers who were indicted last week by the US special prosecutor Robert Mueller

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