Trump Weighs replaces Chief of Staff John Kelly and plans to fire US Secretary of Homeland Security Nielsen


WASHINGTON – President Trump envisions a shift in senior staff within his administration, including potential replacements for White House chief of staff John Kelly, while the US government's chief of staff, John Kelly, is expected to change. Western wing is preparing for the beginning of the last two years of his first term.

The first domino of the latest reshuffle is likely to be the dismissal of US Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen, a close ally of Kelly, White House officials said. The president has decided to replace Ms. Nielsen, but has not yet set the timetable, White House officials said, in part because there was no obvious candidate for the replace, said officials. Changes are also envisaged for the National Security Council.

million. Trump told his badociates that he was aware that forcing Ms. Nielsen out of her job could result in the departure of Mr. Kelly, administrative officials said. Mr. Trump told his badociates that he was resigned to the possibility of leaving Mr. Kelly and that he will likely replace Mr. Kelly by Nick Ayers, currently Chief of Staff to Vice President Mike Pence.

The White House Officials also warned that Mr. Trump had considered changing the administration in the past. The president often calls for several recruitment scenarios with advisors, including months of discussions about whether to replace Mr. Kelly. Although these discussions often signal imminent changes, this is not always the case.

"That's how the president works," said a White House official. "He sprinkled a mbad of gasoline and waited for someone to light a match."

A White House spokeswoman declined to comment. A spokesman for the US Department of Homeland Security also declined to comment.

The president also decided to dismiss Mira Ricardel, high representative of National Security Advisor John Bolton, officials said. A spokeswoman for the National Security Council declined to comment.

The President intervened in this decision under the impulse of the First Lady, Melania Trump, whose staff fought with Ms. Ricardel during the first lady's trip to Africa last month for s & d. Sit in the plane. requests for use of National Security Council resources, according to people familiar with the subject.

Ms. Ricadel has also clashed with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and his Pentagon team over staffing decisions and policy differences, according to people close to the quarrel. This discord has dampened relations between Mrs. Ricardel and the Ministry of Defense officials, suspicious of her intentions, say these people.

Ms. Ricardel was a key ally for Bolton, who moved into his West Wing role after being appointed National Security Officer in April. Bolton lost another loyalist last month when his long-time friend Fred Fleitz resigned after only six months as chief of staff and executive secretary of the National Security Council.

(Other to come)

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